Motion 1: Prologue

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How did it come to this? Of all people, I never expected anything from you, especially a fit like this.

"What the hell?" I have no control over my words, so don't blame me for what's about to happen, moron. "Is this a sick joke? Disgusting."

C'mon, don't give me that look. I know you expected something like this would happen. Don't look shock there. I'm the victim here, stupid.


Natsu jumped on his seat as he heard papers smacked against the wooden desk. He keeps on murmuring prayers and rituals to the painted ceiling then looks around the room and watch his classmates either tremble in fear or mutter in hopelessness. He flinched again and paled when he heard a pained cry, he covers his ears.

Today is the day where everything they work hard for shows its results. The day they busted their butts for, and the day they hope might never come. Natsu doesn't understand why, but based on his classmates' reactions, this is a terrifying day. Even Sting, the idiot's sitting on a corner and rocking himself back and forth, just so you know.

"Sting, get back on your chair," Rogue mutters. But it fell on deaf ears.

"This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not happening," Natsu doesn't know if it come from Sting or other voices in the room.

"Everything's okay. I mean, I did my best!" Lucy motivates herself while rubbing her palms together. Natsu deadpans.

"Nana..!" Ignites whispers. Natsu turned to her and rose a brow. "D'ya know what's goin' on?" she asked while tilting her chair upwards.

Natsu shakes his head. "Believe me, I'm as clueless as you..." he answered with the same volume. Ignite pouted and sighed. She straightened up again when Zeref was making his way to them, then there was another cry. "What the hell's going on?!" he hissed.

"Today..." Loke began. Both Natsu and Ignite turned to him and freaked out when they saw his super-serious, muscle man-like expression. "Is judgement day..."

"Judgement day?" The duo repeated and leaned closer to him.

"Ahh man! My old man's gonna kill me for this!" they watched Cana mess her hair up while eyeing the innocent paper and turned back to Loke.

"I suppose you don't know. You just transferred here after all," Lucy sighs and sets her pen down. Ignite couldn't even come up with a retort as she saw how pale and nervous Lucy is.

'It's still funny though,' Ignite thought. Natsu elbowed her, she hissed.

"Aren't you just exaggerating?" Levy sighs and gave them a knowing look.

"That's easy for you, you're smart!" Sting whines.

'Ah, he's back to normal already...' they thought.

'Well, not really normal,' Natsu mentally deadpans. Sting just called Levy smart instead in his normal 'nerd'. Then Natsu caught a glimpse of Gray. 'Still uncaring as usual...' As if sensing his staring, Gray lingers, Natsu immediately turns away.

Zeref is finally at their area. Sting flinches then hesitantly looks up, from head to toe. He shrieks as he made eye contact with his teacher. Zeref scans Sting's paper then Sting, he shakes his head, making Sting more anxious. Zeref placed his paper face down on the desk. Sting and Rogue exchanged looks. Sting shakily stood up from his corner and eyes his face down paper. Zeref proceeded.

"Good job," he smiles as he hands Rogue's paper. It made his classmates flabbergasted, that was the first compliment they heard from their teacher since he entered the room. Rogue smiles back as he saw his paper.

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