✿ 제9장 ✿

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"Hey Bobby, do you mind if I stay at your place?"

He gave me a very confused look as if I was crazy or something of the sort. I tilted my head a little and pouted, hoping he would say yes. "Please! Just until things work out with me and mom." I begged. (・∀・ ) He let out a big sigh and replied, "Fine! Since we are childhood friends..." 

"Yay! Thanks Bobby!" I screamed with a bright smile on my face. He laughed and he walked me to his house. When we entered his house, my jaw dropped the second I walked in. "WOW~" (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

"Make yourself at home for the mean time." He assured, as he flopped onto the couch. I continued looking around. "Your place is so beautiful and cleaner than the last time," I said aloud. "Oh! By the way, where's everyone else?" 

"They are all on a vacation somewhere." He replied, as he took out his phone. "Is that so?" I put my hands behind me as I skipped along. I stopped because I just realized something. I slowly turned to face him. "S-S-SO THAT MEANS IT'S JUST GOING TO BE JUST ME AND YOU?! HERE?! ALONE?! T-T-T-TOGETHER?!" (⊙ヮ⊙)

He continued texting on his phone and he replied, "I guess so. But don't worry. It's not like I'm gonna do something bad to you while you are sleeping." 

"Ohh, okay. Uh... Ha ha... Ha..." I replied, awkwardly. 

✿ - ✿

"And this is where your going to be sleeping tonight!" He explained, as he showed me a short tour of his house. He opened the door and I nodded as I walked in. "Do you have your phone?" He asked me, as I went through my purse to get my phone. "Yeah." I replied as I handed it to him. He let out a big sigh and gave the phone back to me, "Password?" 

"Oh! That's right!" I replied as I put in my password and gave it back to him. After a few seconds he gave it back to me. I gave him a confused look as I held my phone in my hand.

"I added my phone number in your contacts. So if you are in trouble, call me." I responded with a nod. "If you need anything just ask me? Later!" He waved at before he left. I waved and smiled back.

He opened the door again and said, "Ah, that's right," I gave him another confused look. "What's your relationship with that dude you were with when I came go your house?"

"Oh, Jin? Don't worry! He'd just a friend I met while I was still new around here." I replied. "Okay then. I left some clothes for you to change in. So, sorry if they don't fit you."

"Thank you! Do you mind if I use the shower?" He nodded. I left to take a shower and I came back wearing the clothes he gave me. As I was looking through my pictures on my camera, I heard a knock on my door. It was Bobby.

"It's getting late, so you should sleep now. Good night!" He waved and smiled before he closed the door. I did the same. He finally left and I let out a big sigh.  I wonder what's Jin doing right now and how things are going with Naeun and him... I bet that they are dating now... I wish I could text him now so I can ask him... I sighed as I continued scrolling through pictures on my camera until I was sleepy.

✿ - ✿

I woke up the next morning and I helped Bobby make breakfast. I told him that I wanted to go to outside to buy new clothes and he agreed but he didn't want to tag along because he had to visit a few friends of his. So it was just me, my phone and camera, all alone. Exploring this world. I walked over to a shop that was selling clothes. I bought some new ones and headed back outside. 

Photograph ➵ Jinsoo❀Where stories live. Discover now