✿ 제14장 ✿

898 43 18

Falling in love?
[ J I S O O ]

"I like you"

My eyes widen from the sudden confession.

Yet again, I can hear the faint sound of footsteps coming closer and closer, but they were coming behind me.
"Ya! What's the meaning of this?" As I turn to the direction of this voice was coming from, it was Jin. He looked at me and then back at Bobby. My jaw dropped. I was a little shocked of what has become of this situation.

I gazed at the ground and then back at Bobby. He didn't look to well and he collapsed on to the ground. "Oh no, Bobby!" I cried out as I rushed over to him. He reeked of alcohol. "Ya! Have you been drinking?!" Me and Jin both looked at each other confused. 

"Omo! *sigh*" yelled a familiar voice. I looked up and it was the same girl I met earlier. She ran over to him and put his arms over her shoulders. I helped her pick him up. "What happened to him?" i asked. 
"Well, we were both a restaurant and he was drinking. He only said he'll drink a little but he ended up drinking a lot. I only went to the bathroom for a bit and when I came back out, he was out of sight. Thank goodness he was with you guys! Did he do anything weird?" she explained as I recalled the moment when he confessed to me (or shall I say, drunk confessed to me). But I shouldn't tell her tho. She might get mad. I looked at the ground and back at her shaking my head. 

"Really?" i nod. 
"Alright then. I'll take care of things here on out."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, this wasn't the first time this happened. I'll just call a cab and take him home so don't worry." 
"'Kay. Thanks."
"There's no need to thank me." She replied with a smile. 

Jin grabbed me by the wrist and said, "Come on, let's eat some ramen at my place." 
"What now?" 
"I'm still with my friends!" 

We all went back to my house and my friends took there luggage but before they left I asked them, "Are you sure you want to go? Why don't you stay here for the night?" 
"It's alright Jisoo-unnie. We already booked a hotel and paid for it. It would also be a waste of money if we don't stay there." Jennie replied. 
"Oh alright then. Be safe." I say to all of them as I hugged each of them and waved good bye to them as they go into their cab. 

Me and Jin walked back into my house. "So wha-" before I could say anything else, Jin slammed the door and took me by the wrist. "Follow me." he grasped my wrist tighter and tighter as I screamed in pain. He lead me to my room and pinned me down on my bed. I gave him a confused look. "Wha-What are you doing?" I asked softly as he continued to give me an intense stare. 

"You're really driving me crazy."
He let out a big sigh before he could say, "I've been wanting to ask you this for so long so I'll ask you now because it's just you and me alone in the house." I adverted my eyes because his intense stare was too much for me to take.
"If don't answer my question on the count of three then you'll receive punishment. But if you answer it without lying then I'll let you go. Deal?" I turned my head to look at him in the eye. He had a little smirk at the very corner of his lips. 
"Do you still have feelings for that Bobby guy?" 
"Eh??? How did you find out!"
"One. That's not the problem right now."
"Of course not!"
"Two. Are you really telling me the truth?" 
"Three. Whether your lying or not, I'll make you forget about him." 
"Wha-! Mmph!" in a blink of an eye he kissed me. my eyes widen for I had no clue of what just happened. He continued kissing and kissing me as I laid there frozen like a statue. But finally he broke the kiss and released me. 

Photograph ➵ Jinsoo❀Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora