19 - Taking Care Of Our New Baby

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My husband, Scotty and I were home with our oldest child , our daughter Kimberly and our new baby that we just adopted from Guatemala. So one morning, Scotty woke up and went down to the kitchen and made his coffee for the morning, I walked downstairs, cuddling our baby in my arms and so I walkedup behind my husband and gave him a hug and rested my head on his shoulder. He looked at his watch and then he walked over to me and said, "Honey, I've got to get going." I was holding our new baby in my arms by now and so Scotty took him in his arms and cradled him. While Scotty was holding our son, he got a bottle and fed him. After the feeding, Scotty put our son down for a nap, then came downstairs and saw me at the sink, washing dishes. He walked over to me and put his arm around me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Hey honey, I've got to go into the studio to record, so I'll see you later on. Love you." So he kissed me on the cheek and said, "Alright, If you need me, you know that you can call me, I'll answer, for sure, if you call." Then he left to go the studio and once he was settled, he decided to give me a call:

Then the phone rang and I picked it up:

Me: Hello?

Scotty: Hey there, sweetheart, how are you?

Me: I'm fine, honey, how are you?

Scotty: I'm alright, can't complain. I've been working on some new songs here in the studio. Some love songs.

Me: Were they all written for me or about me?

Scotty: OF COURSE! You know that I write songs about you and the children.

Me: What songs did you write for me?

Scotty: I wrote a song called, "Five More Minutes." The reason why I wrote it is because I want 'five more minutes' with you and the children as much as I can before I go up with the Lord to Heaven.

Me: *crying* That is very sweet of you, honey. Thank you. *tears run down cheeks*

Scotty: Honey, there is NO reason to cry. You are perfectly fine. You know that I love you so much! DON'T EVER FORGET THAT!

Me: I know! I know! *wipes away tears from eyes*

Scotty: I'll bring home the song "Five More Minutes" tonight. I just got finished recording it.

After we got off the phone, I hung up and then I heard the door open, boots coming up the hall, feet coming up the steps, then someone walked into the kitchen, wrapped his arm around me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Hi honey, I'm home. Here's the song." So he put the tape into a tape player and played the song. While the song was playing he stood up, bowed and asked, "Ma'am, may I have this dance?" So while the song was playing we started slow dancing around the kitchen. One of the kids came in and stopped short, looked at us and then asked, "Mom, Dad, what are you two doing?" We stopped dancing and looked at the children, looked at each other and just smiled at them.

Two hours later, we put our kids down for naps and while they were down for their naps, Scotty and I sat in the kitchen and then all of a sudden, he started to sing. He took out his guitar, started strumming the strings and then started singing, "Amazed." After he sang that song, he put his guitar away. After that,he came over to me, gave me a kiss on the forehead, and said, "That was for you, honey. Love you." After that, he went into the family room, sat down on the couch and read a book.

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