Chapter 1:Newbie

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Paper's POV:
Ugh!I don't wanna go to school!Its boring!Well here I am in the Inanimate high.And I already assigned a dorm since I transfered here.My mom and dad works at the other country so they chose me here to stay...So yes,I'm in my dorm since yesterday so I grabbed m-WAIT?!They don't use uniforms huh?Own styles!So I change my geeky ways today,I don't wanna let my reputation low this time!!!So I change into white half T-shirt with blue and red stripes on it.Hair?I'll just spread my blonde hair.Make-up?Nah,I like natural.After the styling,I guess I'll eat a toast.Then I pack my things.I got out of my dorm,its seem so empty.I checked the time,6:43 am?Oh,did I become too excited?I heard footsteps...My body's shivering of fear,"Huh?Your alright?"a boy speaks to me..."...I thought it was a murderer..."Phew,I thought it was a murderer..."Hm... Oh,you must be the newbie!Anyways I'm Knife,Knife Sharp."Knife Sharp?Well its maybe a cliffhanger XD,"G-good morning Mr.Sharp.M-my names P-"He interrupted me,Ugh!I hate being interrupted!"Paper Pearl right?I saw your name on the board."Well I still need to explain why I hate being interrupted."Um,Mr.Sharp?Would you stop interrupting? I'm not a fan of being interrupted."He looks confused,so I change the topic."Well,you always early?"He seem cheered,good choice Paper..."Yup!Well anyways wanna be friends?"He said,Finally a friend!"Sure!"And then we chatted more...until a girl shouted,"Ugh!Like this like the most like bad perfume!"I look back then..."I need to go Paper,bye!"Knife wave at me and I wave back then he left.Hmm,I'm sure its a girl."Hey!"I maybe step on something.I look down and I was right...I stepped on a book.I grabbed it and also a girl said,"I'm sorry for yelling at you...and actually that's my science club book..."Oh science!How I was too geeky about it!"Its fine...And here!Anyways could I join in science club?"I asked and she nodded."Anyway I'm Test Tube Scine,what's yours?I thought it was Mr.Citrus..."Huh?Mr.Citrus?Nice surname!"Well,I'm Paper Pearl,anyways who's Mr.Citr-"


"Well I guess its time for school,bye!I'll go to the room,I already packed,you must go to your locker."Well,yeah,I forgot that I need to put there the not involved subject.She waved goodbye,so do I.So I run to my locker...

TestTube's POV:
Wow!Ms.Pearl was too nice and geeky as me.And I'm sure Mr.Citrus would accept her.Actually were 4 now members.Mr.Citrus is our main leader.The others are me,Fan Plam,and Lightbulb Lorraine...Oh and now I ship Ms.Pearl and Mr.Citrus...they are so cute together!:3Even through they didn't met too fast!I telled Fan and Lightbulb to make them together and they agreed!Then I heard Mr.Citrus,for short,that's OJ.And FIY,the bell ring cuz of clubs...then the classes then last is clubs."Guys,what are you talking about?"OH MAH GAWD!!!Me and Fan wanted to tell him..."Well a new girl transfered here,she said she can join!"
Miraculous Science...a new girl will join in our science club...I wonder who's she."And I'll get her for the talking sensations!"TestTube said.Well she met the girl early too much!She runs..."Yolo!She's pretty nice!"Lightbulb said."And you will be a nice guy!"Fan speech was kinda...weird.We waited until...woah.I saw a girl with the blonde hair.She's kinda cute.Is this the new club rejoiner?"Here she is!Come on Ms.Pearl!"...Ms.Pearl?Um I saw that surname in the boarder."H-hi.I'm Paper,Paper Pearl. And its nice to meet you all!"Nice name."Lightbulb.But you loo-"Wow.She's on the time of interruption."I know.I don't wanna look geeky again."That makes Lightbulb energetic."Oh yeah!All of us are in that thinkin to u know?"Ugh!Nows my turn."Hi,I'm Mr.Citrus."I didn't finish my sentence cuz Paper interact too fast."Huh?So you are Mr.Citrus!The one who Test Tube thinks you stepped on the book!"Did TT do?"Ok please listen Ms.Pearl.You didn't know my name yet.Could you be silent?"I asked her.She became silent."Im OJ.And this is Fan,TT,and Lightbulb.Actually were 5 but Paintbrush joined on art club and left."She looks too pity."So sad to hear that...I wonder why.I hope secrets don't hide forever."Wha?'Secrets don't hide forever'?Where did she got it?

Announcement!Its class time!

Microphone's POV:
A school where weirdness always happen.The rumors said there's a new girl who's last name was Ms.Pearl.Let's just say,I'm the schools Music's Freak.And also I was between two boys whom I both like.Cheesy Crist and Knife Sharp.They both have what I like on a boy.Then I saw Pickle.
"Hey Pickle!"I called him and he waved then left.Oh one more thing my best friend Soap was a neat freak.I wonder why?Well...

Announcement! Its class time!

I rush to the room where Ms.Pearl was gonna introduce herself.My books were falled!I was going to get it when Cheesy do it for me."Here Mic!"He said passing me the books.Then he rush to his locker.So I rush to the classroom.Everyone was there.Even Cheesy,wow,he's too fast.Suddenly Mr.Mephone come in."Goodmorning class.Today we have a new girl transferring."The girl entered.The girl looks like LIT girl.Then she was in front of us."Hi!I'm Paper Pearl!I'm was from Evergreen school!Well my mom and dad were out of the country to take me into a nice life,I'm 13,and I was having a scrapbooking life!"Energetic introducing.Wonder how she got that.

Chapter 1 ended.
Now guys wanna to still continue this to Chapter 2?And guys if you hate Paper to be gender bent then that's your problem!Well thanks to
FlatterMusic that she helped me to get surnames for Paper and Marshmallow!:-3


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