Chapter 5

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Soo many days have passed. I didn't even realise that today they are announcing the princess' and princes. I couldn't care less because I knew I would obviously never be chosen.

We were all seated in the assembly hall. Everyone with a bright smile on their faces, waiting to be disappointed.

"Good morning students." "Good morning, Mr. Harry." "You must be all excited to meet our 'royal faces'." "Without wasting any time, I will start with the boys. If I call your name please just stand." "Joshua, Mark, Jonathan, Isaac, Titus, Ricardo and least but not least Zack!"

Everyone cheered. It is the same people from last year except Zack and Joshua. I am actually happy he found his way around high school.

"Finally girls. Mary-Anne, please stand, Amy, Chloe, Abby, Bella, Janette and last but not least Mila!"

WHAT!! Janette and I?

"WHAT!?" said Cindy and Lola, Bella's minions. "Excuse me sir, I think you have mistaken some names. It's supposed to be Cindy and Lola instead of Mila and Janette." Said Bella. "No, these are the correct names. So students you've all received what you wanted ―assembly dismissed.

I still couldn't believe that I was a nominee of the prom royal faces. Incredible.

"Good Morning class! As you all know today I will announce the class president." "Class president is... Janette Ralph! Congrats Janette."

I am so happy for her this has always been her dream since childhood and she has finally accomplished it.

Everyone was happy except for Bella.

Abby joined us for lunch. "Congrats guys, you finally made it to the royal faces!" she said. "Why don't we go window shopping tomorrow after school?"

"Great idea," Janette said. "Or we could ask my aunt to give us prom dresses from one of her collections, she wouldn't have a problem." Suggested Abby. "She would?" I surprisingly asked. "Yeah." "So tomorrow after school at my aunts' agency?" "Yes." I said. "Wait, how do we get there?" Janette asked as she laughed. "I'll ask the chauffeur to take us when he picks me up tomorrow." Abby replied.


Today is a busy afternoon.

My mind was about to explode. The project, Prom queen and Jon were all on my thoughts.

We finally finished the project this afternoon at the library and surprisingly Bella turned up early. I took the poster home to apply some touches as it was due tomorrow.

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