Chapter One: Skyre's Grieving

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Chapter One: Skyre's Grieving



"It's unfortunate that your husband-" My mind whisked away from the adult conversation about my careless, father. Coincidentally right before his impossible disappearance they had found his remains Iaying out in the open. I suppose that was his way of quietly saying that he quit on all of us, his family.

A quiet sigh escaped my parted lips as I surveyed all of those who claim to be apart of the family are everywhere around the house.

"Pasce was a great man", began a woman with long licorice black hair that was styled in waves and flowing down her back. That woman never knew my father.


Never did I speak to him when he was still alive and perfectly well, but there was times that he would take me away from the others; without so much as a word spoken saying, 'Hey dear I took Skyre see you all soon', and then we would share our silent communication.

He probably never knew that I knew he would always vanish to his little sanctuary that consisted of a tall gate sized weeds that were surrounded by a blinding fog.

Sometimes I got this feeling whenever he would go and escape into the meadow of the woods. This absurd feeling that said that maybe, just maybe, my father had no fear of getting caught outside. It was as if he wanted a certain someone to take him out of his misery. We were his misery!

Oh, I very well knew the reason for his strange behavior and cold attitude. . We were definitely his freaking misery, there was no doubt about it! None of us ever displeased his demands. Hell mother even sold her favorite family generation wedding ring just to keep father, no Pasce, all happy about not being put after her family's name.

Furious I clenched my teeth together and tried my best to hide my balled up fists that were badly shaking. Nobody should see my anger. Mother would never forgive me for acting so selfishly. To keep my anger, rage, whatever it is that's egging me on to scream and shout; I wordlessly exited the living room to go into the kitchen that was surprisingly empty.

To me, Pasce, he had always been a selfish man that just so happened to get mother pregnant by accident one night. If father truly cared about any of us he wouldn't have obviously got mother to hook up with his best friend, Pete, who turned out to be mother's childhood crush that never stopped loving her; even after he had admitted to--Nevermind.

He even had the audacity to shove Alisa and Dexter to William's parents by never treating them kindly. For never taking time out of his not-so-busy schedule to hang out, nope, it had always been me that he would single out. Right now my siblings are seeking comfort from the Harte's family.

 Ironically I still refer to him as my father when I shouldn't. I know that my family hates me because of the way Pasce would give me his never wavering attention.

So much for mother having her perfect family.

"Skyre dear", aunt Farrea said in her gentle voice. I lifted my gaze from the cup of glass that I had broken in between the both of my hands. She approached me with a worried look in her beautiful mocha brown eyes that never fail to remind me of the banana nut bread that she makes for me when I visit her. Aunt Farrea's fire red hair was thrown up into a careless bun, and like per usual, it still made her look incredibly flawless. The cotton blackberry dress that she had on hung onto her red tan shoulders, it hugged her petite and marvelous frame perfectly.

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