Chapter Two: Skyre's Repeating Actions

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Dexter that idiot with a big head had just called me so he could scream at me for Pasce's disappearance. Everyone stopped us from rumbling but I got the discipline while he got mother's hug. Why me? I-I mean-No, he wasn't happy with all of us, right? It could not have just been me. Why did he favorite me? Did he leave because of me, too?

  I set down the laundry basket filled with father's clothing and absentmindedly began to fold them up neatly, before setting them nicely into the charcoal tub filled with some of his belongings. Mother thought it'd be for the best to put Pasce's things away. She was already grieving enough as it is.

"Pity yourself, right?" I could feel his hot breath hit the top of my ear. It was difficult for me to try and suppress my shiver that had said how I was silently anticipating what he would do to me today. After Pasce's funeral he would visit me every time I was alone and outside. His familiar gentle carress of his fingers skimming up the back of my shirt and trailing the shape of my spine had me gasping for air. What is he doing to me?

This stranger makes me feel weird inside. Irritation had entered my being at how easily this man could turn my body on fire and get to do things that I would never do. I looked at him from over my shoulder and shot him a pissed off glare. "Stop it!", I warned him. His rose petal dark pink lips had shifted upwards into a taunting smile and he quickly leaned forward to plant them on my own. No matter how much I fought my eyes would flutter shut, my hands would take on a mind of their own, and they would find their way somewhere along his body.

Next he would ease me into facing him the right way, then he would be gentle with laying me down on the ground. His gem emerald green eyes that shine the way a glass rock would had that same hue of icy blue swirls of small shaped icicles surrounding his dark pupils, and then his pupils would get bigger before his eyes would begin to turn dark; they'd cloud over in a emotion that had me panting beneath him. His eyes held that sinister intensity to it. He would lower his head and--

"Not today!", I tried to fight him this time. He's going to whisk me away from thinking coherently.

"That pity can burn deep into envious insane greed, Skyre. Did he use silence on you too?", my eyes widened at his choice of words. N-No!

I only knew him! "I don't know you stranger, but, you cannot speak of Pasce as if he is just a living memory fading away!", I growled between clenched teeth. Isn't he?

This man had moved from behind me to kneeling before me to clutch onto my shoulders and press his burning forehead against mine; the heat emitting from him made my heart beat drum away inside of my chest in its own solo at a concert. C-Can he-hear it?

"Yes, fading as we can all see and know. What are you going to do about the loss and trouble at hand?", he questioned me. I felt a sharp sting on my lower lip that made it throb, and it was followed by a tug, and a breath hitching pant. In protest I tried to move backwards only to have him fight against my known resistance by cupping the back of my neck, and pushing my face closer towards his before he let my bottom lip slip from between his téeth.

Breathing deeply through my nose, I huffed aggravated at the position I was unwillingly put in. "He can be wherever he wan-". Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning.

"Wait. What situation am I in?", I asked him, perplexed.

His eyes that resemble a glow in the dark rock held me captive, his skillful lips had titled upwards into a smile of mischief that promised spine shivering things. Even from our closeness I can hardly make out his futures save for his eyes and lips, thanks to the garage being dimly lit.

"What situation?", his tone was one of a mocking person. He grabbed onto my waist and yanked me towards him. "You caught on as quick as he would too. You are more like him than anyone knows". He spoke softly this time around. Again he tousled my hair with this sensual intensity to it that got me to tilt my head towards. I started to seek out his face with the touch of my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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