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Credit to: Narrystwerkstar

Half DDM & Half BSM Preference- 1D & Josh Devine preference: First time on a cruise and you’re scared. They have to comfort you. (Ages 12-17)-

Request: “could u make one where it is a mix of both (12-17) including their drummer josh so half bsm and half ddm where they go on a cruise and the girls are really really really terrifed bc they wayched titanic countless number of times and the boys reassure and soothe them that nothing will happen but 1 night there is a powerful storm othing happe ns but the girls get frightened and it’s the boys job to ccomfort their girls bsm and ddm sorry if its confusing thx babe hope u do it !!!”

So before you read this just keep in mind I have no idea what being on a cruise is like. I have also never seen the Titanic so the only thing I know about it is that it crashed into an iceberg and sunk because I learned that in class.

Josh- DDM- (Age 12): 
Your whimpered as another huge wave shook the boat. You snuggled further into your blanket and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. “Y/N babe are you okay? You’ve been cuddled up in that blanket for hours!” Josh called, his laughter causing your tears to spill over. Your tears and whimpers soon turned into sobs and you there was no way you could stop it. Josh must have gotten the clue, because he quickly ran over and pulled you on his lap. “Y/N whats wrong? Are you okay?….Is it the storm?” He asked, his hands calming you as they rubbed up and down your back. You nodded into his chest and he sighed. “Is it the Titanic that has you scared? Please tell me it isn’t?” He laughed, stopping once you glared at him. “Yes it’s the Titanic! This storm is going to kill us all and then we’re gonna die and sink to the bottom of the ocean and then they’re gonna have to pull us up with a lever thingy and then…” You trailed off and sobbed into his shirt, gripping his shoulders when another wave rocked the boat. “Okay first of all the Titanic crashed into an iceberg, so we are good there seeing as its summer time. Second of all there will be no crashing or being pulled up by a lever. Y/N I think you’re forgetting that this is a huge boat! Its not like the boat we took out on a lake a few years ago. This boat can hold thousands of people! It has a mall in it! And do you really think they would make a boat that a small storm like this can bring down?” You shook your head and he smiled. “That’s what I thought. How about we pull an all nighter playing games and watching tv, and then we can sleep all day tomorrow. Sound good?” He asked, smiling at you. “Only if I get to choose the channel!” You said, smirking up at him.

Liam- BSM- (Age 17):

You gripped your pillow as another rumble of thunder basically shook the whole Earth. You tried to sleep when the thunder silenced but you couldn’t. You sat up in the darkness and glanced over at the bed a few feet away from yours, watching as your brother slept peacefully. As you watched him his words came to your mind, “You seriously can’t be scared to get on here because of a movie?! Stop being a baby an get on.”. His words echoed through your mind as you sat and watched him. You wanted so badly to go over and sleep in his bed. You wanted him to cuddle you like he always did when you were younger. But he wouldn’t, and you knew that. You were just about to lay back down when a huge round of thunder sounded from outside. You jumped and leaped from your bed, running over to Liam’s and hopping in. He jumped when you landed on the bed and turned to face you, about to yell at you but stopping when he saw the terrified look on your face. “Y/N whats wrong?” He muttered, pulling you on top of him and holding you. “Are you scared?” He asked. You shook your head and tried to go to sleep, also trying to ignore his giggling.

Zayn- DDM- (Age 13):

"Y/N are you okay?" Zayn asked, watching you shake in fear. "I’m fine!" You squeaked, giving him a fake smile and going back to your book. Truth is, you were terrified. The storm was getting worse outside and your book wasn’t capturing your attention like you wanted to so you just started to panic more. Zayn nodded, not convinced, and went back to writing a new song, glancing at you every few seconds. An hour or so passed and you felt relieved when you thought the storm was calming down. You were wrong. Just as you were getting into your book, thunder rumbled loudly outside, the sound causing you to jump. You tried to tough it out but it became to much to handle. "Daddy.." You whispered as you waled over to him. He looked up and felt his heart break a little when he saw your face. "I’m scared." You whimpered with tears streaming down your face. Zayn cooed and pulled you on his lap. He wrapped his strong arms around you and rocked you back and forth, whispering comforting words as you sobbed into his shirt.

Louis- DDM- (Age 14):

You watched as the sky darkened up, the water getting wilder and wilder as time went on. You glanced over at Louis and watched as he talked to his bandmates, laughing and having a good time, not noticing the changes around him. You wanted to go to your cabin to get out of the storm, but you also didn’t want to bother him. So you sat and watched as things got worse. You soon felt small trickles of rain and heard the sound of thunder in the distance, and you couldn’t take it anymore. You walked over to Louis and poked him on the shoulder. “Dad its starting to storm, can we go in?” You asked him, gripping his shirt when thunder rumbled in the sky. “It hasn’t started yet. Just wait a few okay?” He muttered, patting you on the back. You nodded and shuffled back over to your chair. You sat down and waited. After a few minutes you noticed the wind starting to blow harder, rain mixed in with it. Women grabbed their children, men grabbed their hats, and everyone ran off the deck. Eventually it was only you, Louis, and his bandmates. And you started to panic. The sky was pitch black now and rain started to pour down. “Daddy!” You called, not caring if he got mad at you. He glanced over at you and immediately got up. “We should go.” He muttered. He waved at the guys and quickly ran you both to your cabin, making sure to cuddle you when the storm got worse.

Harry- BSM- (Age 15):

You awoke with a start as another dream of the Titanic filled your dreams. It was storming outside and you couldn’t help but be terrified. You also couldn’t help but regret watching the Titanic movie. Knowing that sleep would never come, you sat up in your bed and hugged your knees. You glanced over at your brothers bed and watched as he typed away on his phone, the storm not even bothering him. “Do you not hear the storm?” You asked him, smiling when he jumped. “I thought you were asleep? Why are you up?” He asked you, ignoring your question. “I’m scared.” You said bluntly. He smirked and got up from his bed. He sauntered over to your bed and hopped on it. “Wanna cuddle?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes and scooted over to him. “Shut up you idiot.” You muttered, cuddling up to him and immediately falling asleep.

Niall- BSM- (Age 16):

"Attention passengers. We will be experiencing some rough waters for a few hours. Please stay calm and don’t worry. You will be safe." A male voice said. You glanced up from your phone and felt your heart drop into your stomach. "What exactly does he mean by rough waters?" You asked Niall, not even trying to hide the panic coating your voice. "Y/N it will be okay." Niall muttered, walking over and sitting beside you on your bed. "You sure about that?" You whispered, hugging your knees and placing your head between them so you wouldn’t lose it. "Yes i’m sure." He whispered, sitting you on his lap and wrapping his arms around you.

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