Teenage Hood

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Watch the video of me singing it on the cover!
I washed my hands
Of third degree burns
Agony rolls down the sink

Mouth moves fast
As the wheels turn in my head
I draw a blank

When I was a kid I held laughter
I wrote songs too
It seems I have dropped them now
I can't pick it up
Well I picked up a job right down the highway
Took pictures of the clouds
The clouds blew my way

And horsing around
My ups turned upside down
You can't break me
And you can't break my town
Rode our bikes down in the summer time
Ate popsicles as well
The similarity between that and teenage hood
Is that our souls melt too
Well I picked up a job right down the highway
Took pictures of the clouds
The clouds blew my way

And horsing around
My ups turned upside down
You can't break me
And you can't break my town
But it's not too late
Open your eyes, open your eyes

And change your fate
The truths inside, it's inside

Of you
That's my song called Teenage Hood!
Check out me singing it (YouTube clip at the top): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QiJS13T4gMg



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