~Poems 2~

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Mae held open the door for Selmers, "Ladies first." She said ironically.

Selmers smiled, her cheeks turning red. She walked inside walking up to the counter, she rested her arms on the counter.

Mae followed in behind her, ordering a plain cheese pizza. She headed over to a booth sitting down, patting a spot next to her for Selmers.

Selmers sits down next to Mae, leaning back in the booth.

"Nice day so far." Mae said, staring out the window not noticing Selmers not being able to take her eyes off of her.

Selmers snapped back into reality, "I guess." She tried to act cool around her crush, but it was so hard.

The pizza arrived, steaming from the heat. Mae stupidly grabs a slice, she then drops it. "Ow! That's hot!".

"I bet it is... So are you" She muttered those last three words under her breath to make sure Mae doesn't hear them.

Mae grabs the same slice of pizza, blowing on the top of it to cool it. She bit into the pizza, wincing at how hot it still was.

Selmers grabbed a slice, blowing the top of it more thoroughly. She bit down on the pizza.

Mae finished her first slice of pizza, leaving the crust. She put the crust on the pizza tray, grabbing another biting into it.

After a nice thirty minutes of eating and talking, all of the pizza was finished. Mae puts money on the table, crawling out from under the table greeting Selmers on the other side, she walked to the door and opened it for her.

Selmers walked out of the door, putting her hands in her jacket pocket.

Mae followed behind her, kicking the ground. She faces away from Selmers.

"Mae, what's wro-" She was cut off by Mae grabbing her hand, her face blushing lightly.

Mae felt very flustered, usually she would wait for someone to come and ask her out, but she just couldn't stand staying away from Selmers any longer. "U-uh... Wanna go out and do something tommorow?"

Selmers blinked rapidly, think she was in a dream. "Like a date?"

Mae nodded quickly, looking at the ground. "You don't have to..."

Selmers smiled, her eyes tearing up. "I would love to."

Mae kept walking, interlocking her paws in Selmers paw, she blushed deeply.

~End Scene~

SelMae  (NITW)Where stories live. Discover now