"Anaylzing the Pieces"

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 (Next Scene) Back up in my room looking at the pictures & all the information papers that Uncle Noah & Han had given us tonight. "Hey shouldn't U be going to sleep again. It's almost 2am", Ethan said, standing by my door. "Yeah I will don't worry, I'm just over analyzing all of this again." I told him quickly. "This whole thing has gotten to U personally now right ? ", he said coming in & closing the door. "Idk I mean I known these people for a long time. I went to high school with Deigo & Luke, I used to helped out baby-sitting Sasha when she was really little & well.....U know about me with Lydia." "Yeah I know", he said quietly. "I mean imagine ur best friend who you known since childhood, having a secret you didn't know about & when it finally comes out, U start to think you really know them at all, " I said (explaining my feelings). "Well honestly I wouldn't know that, I didn't have many friends growing up, & I certainly didn't have friends like Lydia. Look why don't you just talk to her. Since you finally know now I'm pretty sure she won't hold from anything. She's like your big sister Ur not just gonna ignore her all of sudden ",Ethan told me sitting close to me on my bed. I pause for second & then said "Okay I will talk to her about this, " "Good get some rest now, " he said back, giving me a peck on the lips. After that he left my room. Before going to sleep, I was still analyzing Lydia's picture & her information paper, & wondering if I even knew the real her at all. 

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