Chapter 22

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Tori's P.O.V

"Are you a magician?Because eveytime I look at you ,everyone else disappears"Taylor said making me cringe.

He's been going at this for awhile now.He'd say some corny joke and I'd just fake a laugh because it's not funny,but I still don't wanna hurt his feelings.

"Did you know what my shirt is made of?Boyfriend material"

"Okay,slow down Justin Bieber"I said,laughing at my own joke since no one else was.

"If  you were a vegetable,you'd be a cute-cumber"He said with a wink.

"That was so bad I'm cringing"I said.

"Okay,well get prepared for this one,it's gonna be great,the best yet"He said.

"Oh gosh"I said with a sigh.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar?Cuz you got a pretty sweet ass"

"Would you just shut fuck up?She doesn't like you"Cameron said harshly.

"Yeah,well she doesn't like you either"Taylor said and Cameron scoffed before rolling his eyes.

"Fuck off"He said before walking out of the hotel room,slamming the door in the process.

"Someone's on their man period"Blake said and everyone laughed ,but me.

It's weird because when someone makes a joke everyone laughs but me,and when I make a joke no one laughs but me.

Anyways,I got up to go and look for him,but as soon as I tried to leave Taylor opened his big mouth.

"You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line"Taylor said.

I just glanced at him with a "why are you so stupid?" Look and then walked out.

I looked around the hall to see if Cameron was there,he wasn't.So I walked over to the elevator and just stared at it.

Should I really get on it and risk my life?No.I'll just wait until he comes back up.

So I sat down in the middle of the hallway waiting for him.I mean he has to come back soon,right?Wrong.

30-45 minutes had gone by and still no sign of Cameron.

Maybe I should go on the elevator?I mean cameron did tell me that I need to get over my fears.

So I got up off the ground and walked back over to the elevator.I pressed the "down" button and the elevator doors soon opened.

I walked inside and flashbacks of the final destination came running trough my mind.The doors then closed and there was no backing out now.

I pressed the button to the first floor and then the elevator started to move.

""I said while squeezing my eyes shut.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this!

"Tori?"I heard making me jump.

"What the hell man?"I said with my hand over my heart.

Cameron was standing in front of me with a questionable look.

"What are you doing?"He asked while walking into the elevator.

"I didn't know the elevator stopped"I said embarrassed.

"Aren't you afraid of elevators?"He asked.

"That's not the point.I have been looking for you for almost an hour!"I said annoyed and he snickered.

"Really?I was just over at McDonalds "He said with a shrug.

"And you didn't get me anything?"I asked in shock.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted something?"Cameron asked making me literally facepalm.

"Ow"I said with regret.

"What?"He asked.

"You never told me you were going to McDonald's you idiot"I said.

"Ohhh"He said with a chuckle.

"Why did you leave in the first place?"I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Because"He said as the elevator doors opened.

"Because why?"

"Because Taylor was annoying the shit out of me"He said walking out of the elevator,me following behind him.

"Ooohhh,you were jeloussss"

"Was not"He scoffed.

"You totally were"I said with a laugh.

"So what if I was?"He asked causing me to gasp.

"Oh em gee!The famous Cameron Dallas was jealous because the famous Taylor Caniff was flirting with me!I.Am.So.Shook"I teased.

"Because I fucking like you!Fuck,I think I might even be in love with you"He said causing my jaw to drop.

I was speechless.

"But I guess you don't like me back"He said with a frown.

"No!I mean no.I mean yes!Fuck..."I said and that was probably the most confused I've ever seen him.

"Yes.I do like you,Cameron.I like so fucking much"I said and his face lit up.

He then stepped closer to me to where his face was inches from mine.

"Can I kiss you?"He asked causing me to break into a smile.

"Of course"I said before his lips smashed against mine.

And in that moment everything was perfect.

A/N:This sucks I am so sorry🤦🏻‍♀️

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