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Ayame: Hm.....The citadel's food is almost finished. I'll go buy some !

Yumeko: I'll help , Aya-nee !

Ren: Please hold on ! It's dangerous for two ladies to go alone , I shall accompany you both if you don't mind ?

Ayame: Sure !

Yuu: *nods* I'll come too.

After shopping , at night:

Ayame: Thanks so much for accompanying us here , Ren-chan and Yuu-chan ! ^w^

Yumeko: Mhm !

Ren: It was nothing , Ayame-san. *smiles*

Yuu: *helping to carry the shopping bags*

Yuu: Hm ? *Turns around* Oh. Stay here for a moment. *walks away*

Ren: Eh....? Oh well , let's wait here for Yuu-sama.

Meanwhile , in an alleyway:

???: Dude like look at that girl's figure~ We could totally have some fun with her. (Talking about Yumeko)

???: I know~ The younger one is cute too , let's get rid of the guy and party tonight~ (Lol he mistakes Ayame as the younger one)

Yuu: * appears behind the two like a ninja*
*cracks knuckles* So you filthy peasants are the ones saying such indecent things about my sisters. This is going to be fun. *Yandere laugh*

Both guys: Oh shiet.

*Screams can be heard*

Yuu: I'm back , sorry. I had to do something.

Yumeko: It's okay , Yuu-nii~ Let's head back home !

Ren: Hm...I get the feeling that someone was screaming nearby. Welp , probably my imagination ? *Shrugs and walks next to everyone*


The cast when they find out about it the next day:

Ayame: You beat them to a pulp....? *Sweatdrops*

Ren: That....Why am I not surprised ?

Yumeko: Aw~ You should have called me , Yuu-nii ! *Yandere smile*

And this is why you most definitely DO NOT mess with the family of a Nobunaga xD

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