The Poem

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Will you forgive me,
If I cheated on you?
I wasted a lot of tears,
Just to find out the truth,
That you really don't care,
While I gave everything to you.
I'm such a fool,
There I admit it,
While you are laughing with your friends,
Thinking I'm desprate.
To think that you loved me,
Wow I'm so stupid,
This was a mistake,
Fuck you cupid,
For making me love this heartless culprit.
Now that you're finally leaving,
I bid you good riddance,
Thank you for involving me,
To this bad romance.
Hope you can forgive me,
For making it so easy,
Now I know that you're the one that's being so sleazy.
Now that it's over,
Now you can leave me,
Thank you bastard,
For making my life hard.😊

Break up Lines and Situations Para sa mga BitterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora