🌺 honalulu 🌺

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My new home is nice, Lots of sunshine and fresh air but I still miss my old home. My new room has pastle purple walls, a large bed with grey bedding and a wall mural of a cityscape above my bed I unpack all of my clothes in a wooden dresser, and went into the kitchen my aunt emery had lunch ready as we ate our meal priston and her little sister ella told me all about the area. But honestly I wasnt lisening, tears silently rolled down my face "cusie dont cry"
Ella exclaimed running up and hugging me. For only being five she sure is strong, I looked down at her big brown eyes and blond pig tails.
I'm ok I say then I look up at priston her messy pixie hair cut, green eyes and freckles.

was home schooled the rest of the 8th grade and soon was ready for high school..

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