This Just got Weird

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Kenera's Pov.

Once the guys got done in the studio we all went shopping.Prod tried to buy me EVERYTHING i was about buy,he's so adorable.Especially when other guys were hitting on me,he would get all jealous & mad.So I didnt do anything with em.Right now we're at home & we're gonna have a dinner with MB &.....Dad that's somethign you don't see everyday.

In My Room w/ MB

Ray:So Ken has Prod asked you yet?

Prod:RAY RAY!!

Kenera:Ask me what?


Prince:He was gonna ask you to be his girlfriend.

Roc:But he's to scared of your dad.


Kenera:I'd love to be your girlfriend.


Kenera:I said I want to be your girlfriend.That is ok with you right?

Prod:It's perfect! *They begin making out*

Ray:Um..excuse me but uh..we're still kinda..ya know single.

Kenera:haha its ok I'll just call up me sisters.

Roc:You mean Oliva?Cause I follow her on instagram & she is THICK!!

Kenera:Uh..that's my sister ya know.

Prince:Anyways on to the more important stuff...Do you think Leah's gonna remember me?

Ray:Oh like that's important..Me & Arianna is what's important.

Kenera:OK!Im pretty sure if I call them now they'll come.

Boys:Thank you!!!

So I called the girls & they were on their way down here anyways they said they were moving in.I was sooooo happy.Im the youngest out of them but I kinda act like Im the oldest.Now the girls are here & we're eating dinner.

Walter:Soo girls how was it in Vegas?


Oliva:Kenny why you so close to Prod like that?

Kenera:Because he's boyfriend.



Kenera:He's my boyfriend*Says really slow so he can understand*

Walter:Over my dead bod.Yall break up..RIGHT NOW!!

Keisha:Walt come down.

Kenera:You don't control my life!

Walter:Im father..that's what im suppose to do!!

Kenera:Oh whatever....Dad..Walter..Ughh can I be excused?

Keisha:Yeah sweetie.

Kenera:Thank You*Gets up*

Keisha:Boys yall spending the night?


Arianna:Ray you wanna share a room with me?


Arianna:Uhh..did I ask you?No.I was talking to Ray Ray so I wanted him to answer.Not YOU!!

Walter:Little hirl you don't know who your talking to don't-

Oliva:Oh Dad just shutup already!YOUR GO AROUND HERE TRYNNA CONTROL US!!YOU ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR JOB INSTEAD OF US!!You know what I dont have time for this Im going to bed Roc ya coming?

Roc:Yep*They leave*

Keisha:Leah take Prince & go up to your room & Prod go to Ken's for me.

*They leave* ok?

Walter:Is that true?

Keisha:Well yeah.


Keisha:Baby calm down.

Walter:Calm down?!Keish she didn't even know what to call me.

Keisha:Baby I know but right know you gotta stay calm.How bout we go to bed & we'll talk about it in the morning.

Walter:Alright*They go to bed*

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