Chapter 7

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                                  Jakes p.o.V

I watched Jake fall to the ground limply, "Goodbye brother." I said grabbing his sword that flung from his sword holder when he fell. I hit the ice until I hear the ice cracking.

I smashed through the Ice and shoved the sword into Jake's chest. "She wasn't that dead.." I said smiling watching his face fade away. I ran over to Winter lifting her head up, "Shh, baby it's okay," I mumbled to her softly.

" J-J-J?" She coughed up not being able to say my full name, "Don't worry you're okay when he asked you if you like beauty and the beast he meant the primrose will make you stronger and braver. Soon your transformation to a goddess will be complete. "G-g-god-goddess?" She choked up again. 

I just nodded and picked up her body placing it in the grass. I saw a slight grin rise on her beautiful pale skin, "If I'm a goddess you have to be my god," She said fully. "At your service," I said grinning at her.

"Where's Justin?" She said scanning her surrondings. "Dead, away from us," I said not frowning but still grinning. Her face went straight and she looked at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"You're mine, not his, not a slave, mine," I said quickly not telling one lie. "I'll always be yours but I don't want this death I want our love story to be clean," She said in one breath.

"I wish life was that easy I would bow to the alpha if it was that easy," I said giggling to myself. "I wish I could eat or see my husky!" She said laughing with me. "I'll get your husky," I said walking into her house.

Winter's p.o.V

I stood up dusting off my pants. I felt a head cover my mouth. My eyes flashed open and I tried to scream, "Shhh," The voice said slowly. "BDFLDSF!" I said into his hands. He removed his hand enough for me to talk, "WHO ARE YOU?" I screamed in horror.

"Me, oh I'm Alpha Kaden!" He said I remembered Jake talking about him. He put his hand back over my mouth I felt like gravity just gave up and the sun never shined, "Goodnight!" Alpha Kaden said watching me go limp and fall to the ground.


Did I wake up in a cage? I scanned my surroundings  watching the men hold what I was in, "WHERE AM I, HELP!" I screamed in horror. Alpha Kaden walked up to me, "Darlin' Jake killed my son so I must kill someone he loves, which is you," He said fastly patting the cage. 

"Stupid wolves," I mumbled to myself. "DID YOU JUST CALL US STUPID," All of the men yelled together jerking the cage to the side making me hit the left. "N-N-no!" I lied to them crying inside. 

"Good," one said and continued to walk. I sat in the corner of the cage watching the leafs blow around me. "Help.." I mumbled watching the earth around me pass. "Where's Jake?" I said to myself looking back.

My mind echoed the poem I wrote as a kid, "Roses white, Dying light, Silvers sweet forgiving bite, I'll rot deep never found 'goodbye' " I mumbled out loud. I slowly took a gun out of my boot that I always carried. I held it to my head and pulled the trigger fastly not even thinking.

The men surrounded me staring into my eyes that seemed I was dead, "Alpha she committed suicide!" one of the men screamed, "Leave her alone she'll rot here," He said leading his men to leave.

Guys she didn't commit suicide, she tried to but her goddess transformation saves her LATER.

Thank you for the support and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Sorry for the short chapter, bye lovelies! <3

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