If I Should Fight

12 7 2

If i should fight
Doesn't it be
For what i believe in
Cling on
While stoned to death

The one i love so much
The rhythm of my heartbeat
My pond of cherish
Boom!  Boom!  Boom!

Shouldn't it be
For the liberty
Of my soul and spirit
Which are burdened
By a heavy yoke

Why wont it be
For my gift
That passionately speaks
for the weak
Heals the wounded
Inspires the hopeless
If i should fight
Can't it be for what i have
In me

The safety of women and children
Raped rapidly and brutally violated
By the very community
That should provide shelter
Abused because they are less masculine

The society that
lives in fear of crime
Ruled by heartless thugs
If i should fight
Wouldn't it be
For the place i live in
Polluted by blood spill

If i should fight
Can't it be
For the innocent infants
That are aborted
Every millisecond
Flushed daily
Turned into garbage
Now and again

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