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A RED HEADED GIRL WAS seated before a computer, the light of the computer shining on her face. Her fingers flew over the keyboard, not once looking at where her fingers landed as if she had experience and knew where each letter on the keyboard was. She paused when her phone rang, and her hand slowly reached out to it as if it was dangerous. Seeing the caller's name, her eyes widened and she pressed answer.

She then pushed her chair back, took her bag and ended the call. She ran out of the room in a hurry, but had forgotten the computer was still on.

On the screen was her form to join the police force.


Barbara's dream was to always follow in her father's footsteps, to join the action of locking a person behind bars. But as she came upon the scene and saw her father's dead body surrounded by blood with her very own eyes, she was horrified. She always knew the dangers of being a cop but she never once thought it would happen to someone she loved.

So she sprinted and she never looked back once, not even when the cops called for her to come back. Not even when they said it was dangerous for her to run away.

She only had one destination in mind. the place she always went to hide at.

Batgirl's safe house.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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