Chapter 1

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Harry's P.O.V 

"Tammy! Tammy!" I screamed her name, and I knew she could hear me by the way she shook her head in disagreement. 

She turned around, and I see the tear stains along her cheeks, tears of sadness mixed with her mascara. She looked like she wanted to crawl in a hold and hide from the world. "Tam! Please, just stop! Let me explain everything!" I screamed "WHAT? Harry, what can you explain? I trusted you and what did you do? You throw me in the bin and now you expect me to run itno your ope arms?! Well you're wrong, you fucker! Don't ever come near me again, you're just another man I fell hard for... Too hard. Just- How could you?" She sighed exhaustedly, tears still streaming down her rosy cheeks. She turned and walked away from me, probably for the last time.

No... No, it's all my fault. 

And now she won't ever love me again... But at least I can try one more time, just once more.

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