Chapter Three: Tragic dream ended.

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[Christine's POV]

Every night, I have always dreamt the same tragedy over and over again. Tonight, I had the same dream, but somethings off. As the speeding vechicle approach, my feet suddenly moved on its own..... Saving Kyle.

"Thanks!" putting up a smile.

"W-What.. You're safe!!" tears suddenly fell from my face.

I was so happy! Kyle hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. The moment was so intense that my eyes gave out, slowly closing.


I felt something wet on my legs. Its like... A cat tongue. Still half asleep, I heard a voice.

"Christine? Hey Christine, wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw a glowing figure. As to my surprise, it was Kyle. He was petting the cat on his lap.

"Am I still dreaming?" Kyle suddenly pinched my cheeks, it really hurt like hell.

"Good! It seems you're now awake! I'm glad."

I still couldn't believe it, Kyle is here, alive. He still has the same white hair, the same traits and the same smile. Kyle suddenly pinched my cheeks.

"Just making sure your alive. Well, thats ironic, after everything has happened.."

"Hey Kyle, I thought you're-" I was suddenly cut off by that black cat.It was the same cat at the cementary. It hit my phone, falling down on the floor. The cat jumped out the window.

"Hey! You know that black cat?" I asked.

"Don't worry, She'll be back."

As I took my phone, Kyle was just about to speak.

"Hey Christine-" He suddenly stopped.

NO!!! Why didn't my alarm gone off?! When I glanced at the clock, I only have 5 minutes to get to work.

"Kyle, I will just go change."


"Its means you have to leave the room."

"Oww, Ok."

I still have questions on my mind. Being together again with Kyle, My old feelings are coming back... But I don't have time for this! I'll be late! I can already imagine Vincent's face getting pissed.

As I was about to go outside, Kyle suddenly cut me off.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked.

"I have work.. "

"Can I go with you?"

Since I don't have time to argue, I just nodded.

"Yey! Thanks Christine."

We got on the bus just in time.

"Miss, the amount you're paying is too much for one person."

"Just keep the change, We're in a hurry anyway"

Getting my attention back to Kyle.

"Thanks for tagging me along with you."

"No, its fine. Besides, I have questions that I wanted to ask."

I don't know why but I feel like all eyes are on me. Am I looking weird today or am I just standing out??

As I approach the office, I was just in the nick of time.

"I made it." I think Vincent wouldn't notice-

"You're late."

Well, so much for that. I was about to explain why I got late. But Vincent suddenly spoke.

"Now that you're here. We have work to do"

Oh great, another great impression. Not only I spilled his coffee, but also got late on my second day.

"Hey Christine~" Kyle suddenly spoke.


"There seems to be a problem."

And cliffhang!! Please comment bellow about your thoughts about the story~

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