Chris Chambers #1

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It was early afternoon in July. You could sense that it was nearly that part of summer where school is hiding around the corner with a baseball bat waiting to wallop you in the stomach and drag you back into the pit of despair that it crawled from. You ran into your room, walked over to your bay window and lifted a section in the window seat to reveal a hollow area beneath where you kept your 'weapons'. Also known as a slingshot made for your birthday by Chris. Smiling at the thought, you grabbed your pouch of rocks in case you ran into Eyeball. The window seat was basically the only tom-boy-ish thing about your room. White walls, mahogany floor with a fuzzy white rug, white wooden four poster bed with white curtains, white bedding, white pillows, white window seat, white dresser, white vanity, white wooden full length mirror, a white screen for you to change behind, white shelving in a walk-in closet. It all made you want to scream. Your mother made sure not to let a speck of dirt in the place. You headed out of your house and past your mother in the garden. You ran to the treehouse, and climbed up the ladder, but stopped before you could knock out the secret password,you heard crying. Opening the door to see Chris shaking on the floor, sobbing, you sat next to him and began to pat his back comfortingly. 'Chris?' Chris sat up.....with his face and limbs bruised and a black eye. Gasping, you grabbed the first aid kit Vern stored in the treehouse. 'M-m-my d-dad hi-hit me aga-in.' he choked out between sobs. Tending to his wounds, he explained what happened. He stood in between his dad yelling at his mom and received a few blows as well. All you could do was hold the sobbing boy as your heart continued to break. You'd never seen this side of Chris, it frightened you. 'Nobody cares about me.' 'Chris? I care. I've never told you before, but....Iloveyou.' 'What?' 'HEY GUYS!'shouted Gordie, and Teddy. Teddy smacked down a stack of cards. 'I want a rematch from yesterday.' You and Chris played cards, both of you blushing and Chris wondering if he heard you right. Vern burst in, out of breath. 'G-guys. E-eyeball found the treehouse, he's outside.' All of you running to the window, you saw Eyeball and his gang eyeballing you and the boys (see what I did there?;) ). They leaned against their truck, waiting for you to come down.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Omg, I'm sorry for the bad imagine lovely! I hope this is okay, I completely forgot and wanted to get it to you. Anywho, I love you guys!

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