Numbness taking hold

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Anna shot awake, the same nightmare plaguing her for nights. She wiped the sweat from her forehead slowly and shakily stood up from the bed. She searched for the pills she had kept hidden in her dresser drawers, the ones to make the pain go away for a while, although made her numb and unfeeling to the world for the most part. It definitely wasn't good for business, but it kept her sane and that was the point.

It had been two weeks since she'd seen 'Chris' and two weeks since she felt awkward even going out on the streets, the way he pleasured her, made her feel inadequate with other men. She compared them all to him, and she shamed herself for doing so... This was way she didn't like formalities.

She slowly slipped the two pills in her hand past her lips as she realized she was now standing in front of the sink. She wasn't sure how long she'd been there, but she was pondering the beautiful, dark eyed man in her mind. She didn't really know of a way to contact him, and she really shouldn't. The poor male didn't need to be drug back into her world. A world of filth, despair, sleeping with men she didn't know, and for cash none the less. The simple.. Hah.. Simple life of a hooker.

'Simple my ass.' she thought to herself as she walked into the small, slightly more than cramped bathroom to attempt to fix herself up before she had to be anywhere. She wanted to go down and get coffee, and then maybe take a walk before she turned into the nightly street walker. She sighed, sitting herself down on the toilet dropping her head into her hands. She had a specific way, place and time of when all of this would finally end. Why she had to be so prolonging she would never really think to much into. If she thought more about it, she would probably back out of ending it. A time when no one would expect her to leave them. Not that anyone would particularly miss her, no family, no friends, she was a simple WHORE.

She shook her head as she grabbed a brush and thrust it through her hair quickly, sighing deeply as she noticed a thin piece of metal, shining in her direction. Self harm was something her 'pimp' frowned upon. He didn't want the customers to be disgusted or turned away. Why she really cared Anna wasn't sure. She shouldn't. She thought to herself a moment before hastily grabbing the sharp object and bringing to her finger tip, pricking it and watching a tiny blood drop form. She smiled as she began to feel the numbness take hold, too bad she wouldn't be getting to remember enjoying her coffee that day.

'oh well' Anna thought to herself and placed the blade against her inside of her wrist, drawing a few lines with it, and smirking as the blood trickled slowly. "Oh what it's like to be numb." She whispered to no one before getting up and walking to find clothes suitable of leaving her apartment. Black sweats and a quick sweatshirt thrown on, the coffee shop was only a few buildings down the block.

Once out in the sunlight Anna dropped her head, almost shamefully as she walked, no one really paid her much attention during the daytime though. It was a different crowd during the day. Businessmen rushing through, women busying themselves in the salons. No one wanted a hooker during the day. Anna sighed in relief walking up to the coffee shop and looked up only to make it inside and get in line.

She looked around then down at her hands, a speckle of blood catching her attention for a moment. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder, her eyes shooting up slowly, almost in a dazed panic. The man she had been trying to force out of her mind, she had to be dreaming. She was going crazy that was what it was. The dark eyed almost stranger... "Chris..." She whispered and he grinned. "I've been looking for you." He said and then she couldn't remember much from that. Everything was getting fuzzy, and then suddenly black.

Forget Me NotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora