Ch. 2

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Jaelin walked out of her last class and headed to her locker. She spun the dial, stopping at each digit needed to unlock it before yanking up the latch and pulling it open. She opened her backpack and put in a few books and binders for homework before zipping it up and closing her locker. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her timeline as she leaned against her locker. She was carpool for a few friends, so she was waiting for them. Most of her high school friends drove themselves, so usually, she headed to the middle school after to take some friend home, or out to hang out. 

"Hey, gorgeous," Jaelin heard a deep voice say, a smile plastering her face. She looked up to meet the brown eyes she loved to see every day. 

"Hey, babe," She leaned forward, her lips meeting her boyfriend, Tony's, soft lips. "How was class?"

"Fucking awful," Tony grabbed her hand, locking fingers before they headed towards the doors of the school. "I accidentally put a few 'you' in my research paper in American Literature and she gave me an F. It was a mistake, like I get its supposed to be third person, but at least let me fix it."

"Yeah, she can be pretty strict on those types of thing. But at least it's just the draft, you can help raise your grade from however low it drops there," Jaelin replied. They reached her car, and she dumped her bag into the trunk before turning to Tony. 

"Yeah, that's true. Well, I'll see you later, Jaelin. Text me," He leaned in and their lips met again before they exchanged 'I love you's and 'drive safe' and Tony walked away to his car. Jaelin smiled before opening her door and sliding into the driver's seat. She waited for her best friend, Tyler, to come out. When he arrived he opened the passenger door and slid in, plopping his school bag onto the car floor.

"It's about time, where the heck were you?" Jaelin asked as she plugged her phone into the car and turned on some music.

"I was just talking with Aly," Tyler smirked as Jaelin rolled her eyes.

"Oh I'm sure you were totally 'talking,'" Jaelin laughed as Tyler wiggled his eyebrows. Jaelin put the car in drive, but left her foot on the break so it wouldn't roll, before picking up her phone one more time. She texted her friends, letting them know she was on her way, before clicking on her seat belt and heading towards the town's middle school. 

Jaelin sat parked outside the school in the parking lot, chewing a piece of gum and on her phone as she waited for the middle school to get out. She looked up when she noticed kids walking by and unlocked her doors as she saw her friend Jadyn walking towards her car. Jadyn opened the trunk, putting in her bag before piling into the back seat, just as Celeste and Claudia did the same. Dora wouldn't join them, her dad barely let her out of the house, and always drove her to and from school, and Sydney had practice. Everyone else got rides from friends or parents.

"How was school, kids?" Tyler teased as Jaelin drove out of the parking lot.

"Don't call me a kid when you're not even a year older," Jadyn sassed back.

"I mean I guess," He laughed.

"Where am I headed?" Jaelin asked.

"Girl, I need some pizza, let's go to that small pizza place downtown," Celeste suggested.

"Me too, yes," Claudia nodded. "Anything to prevent me from having to go home and do homework."

"So," Celeste spoke after taking a bite of her slice of pizza. "Josh really got me wondering today, you know? Like... what if he does like me?" Jaelin signed, a feeling of guilt and pity overwhelming her, but she smiled anyway.

"Girl he kissed your cheek, he might as well be in love," Tyler teased, nudging her shoulder.

"Why not just ask him?" Jaelin asked. Everyone rolled their eyes. Jaelin was a very open, honest, and straightforward person. This, however, was not how her friends were. In fact, her friends were mostly shy or reserved.

"Jae, you know damn well that ain't gonna happen," Claudia replied.

"Yeah, I don't know why I suggest things like that anymore, I know you guys won't do it," She laughed. They continued to discuss and eat their pizza, eventually leaving. Jaelin dropped each of them off at their homes, before driving back to hers. Jaelin went straight to her room, flopping onto her bed and pulling out her phone. She texted back Tony, before going to her messages with Claudia.

Me: Claudia idk about this

Claudia: About what/

Claudia: ?*

Me: i just, i have a bad feeling. this doesn't feel right

Claudia: Don't say anything, alright? It's for the best. Just let it be

Me: It gives me a bad feeling...

Claudia: Keep it to yourself.

Jaelin sighed as she locked her phone. She left horrible, but maybe Claudia was right. Maybe it was for the best.

The Change in HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora