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Claudia sent the text to Jaelin before locking her phone and tossing it across her bed. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she buried her face into her hands. She knew the decision everyone chose was probably okay for now, but she felt deep inside that it was not going to end well. Claudia decided to shake off the feeling and get her mind away from it. She grabbed her phone before getting up off of her bed and heading into her bathroom. She turned on a hot shower, turned on a playlist of music, and began to strip off her clothes. She stepped into the shower, letting the hot water run down her body. She sighed, not able to shake the negative feeling that overwhelmed her.

After washing herself, Claudia shut the water off and stepped out. She washed her face before going back into her room and getting dressed in some comfy clothes. She picked up her phone as she laid back on her bed, scrolling through their timeline before receiving a text from Jadyn. She replied before setting her alarm for the next day, shutting off her light, and crawling under her covers, slowly drifting off into sleep.

The next day at school, Claudia saw Celeste at her locker alone, looking as if she was staring intently into the distance. Claudia sighed before turning towards her locker and spinning the dial, putting in the correct combination before opening up the door. She tossed her backpack in before grabbing what she needed for first period and walked to class, sitting down at her desk. She pulled out her phone as she waiting for class to start. 

"Claudia, girl, oh-em-gee. Guess what!" Claudia locked her phone as she glanced up, her eyes meeting the dark, joyful eyes of Celeste. Celeste smiled as she sat on the desk next to Claudia, her feet resting on the chair.

"What?" Claudia leaned back in her chair, stretching and smoothing her hair down with her hand. Celeste tapped her nail onto her phone case.

"Josh touched my waist again today, and kissed my cheek! Ugh, he's just the cutest," Celeste groaned before giggling, remembering what happened in the hallway. Claudia faked a smile and forced a soft laugh.

"Well, I'm glad he's actually acting on his feelings, he never has before. He was afraid to, you know."

"Same," Celeste smiled as she rested her elbow on her knee and placed her chin in her hand. "I wonder what changed, you know? I wonder what happened that made him change." Claudia's stomach churned, and her throat grew dry, but she forced a smile through it all.

"I honestly couldn't tell you, Celeste."

Claudia sat across from Jaelin and Tyler as Jadyn was getting their food. The usual group was shortened by one, as Celeste was home. She was still grounded from getting drunk at a party, but she got to go yesterday because her parents were gone all afternoon and didn't get home until late, so she needed a ride home. They allowed her one day to go out because Jaelin was able to drive her home. Now that they were back, she was unable to go out. Her absence, however, was perfect for the rest of the group to discuss intense matters. Celeste and Josh.

Jadyn arrived back at the table, a plate of mozzarella sticks in hand and cups for everyone to get drinks. She quickly sat everything down before turning to get her drink, as everyone else did as well. When everyone sat back down, Claudia heaved a heavy sigh, before finally speaking up about the matter at hand.

"Guys, what are we going to do about Celeste?" Claudia twirled her straw around her drink as she waited for someone to respond. She looked up at everyone, Jaelin was biting her straw, Jadyn was on her phone, and tyler was looking away. Another sigh escaped her lips. "C'mon guys, seriously. What are we going to do?" 

"You're right, we need to do something before it gets too deep. But, what can we do? It's her mind that's playing tricks on her," Jaelin signed and ran her hands through her long chestnut brown hair. She took a bite of a mozzarella stick and waited for any other suggestions.

"Why can't we just tell her?" Jadyn asked as she leaned forward, taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh my lord, you're a dumbass. If her mind is doing this to her, then flat out telling her the truth is going to fuck her up," Tyler rolled his eyes as Jadyn kicked him underneath the table. 

"We can't let this go on though," Claudia spoke before taking a long sip of her drink. She rubbed her head in her hand, the guilt and worry stressing her beyond belief.

"We have to tell her parents. They will be the ones to get her help," Jaelin offered the idea, her words sinking into the thick air that laid around the four. She sighed heavily.

"Alright, fine," Tyler spoke up after a moment of deafening silence. "If this is the only thing that will help her, then we will go to her parents."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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