Chapter One

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Larii, with her long flowing silver hair and petite form stood tall on the stage of district Eight. Eyes wide and bright with excitement for her fifth year in the Hunger Games, drawing the names of another two.

"The female tribute for the 74th Hunger Games, Melody Clear!"

There was silence, and that unfortunate clearing of the fifteen year old's section, were a slightly beefy blonde girl with grubby, curly hair emerged. She wore a pale pink dress, and was no taller than the twelve year olds.

To my surprise she didn't cry, or scream, but on the crowds her parents could be heard weeping.

"Come now lovely!" Larii encouraged, trying to beckon her onstage excitedly. The poor thing got there, and when she was close enough I could see her eyes were brown.

"Fantastic, and now for our male tribute."

Larii reached into the bowl again, and pulled out a slip of paper. "The male tribute, from district eight, Zeke Ikari!"

A boy stepped out ridgidly from the seventeen year olds, and came to the stage in shock, tears on his face unlike Melody's.

"District Eight, here are your Tributes, Melody Clear and Zeke Ikari!"

No applause, no sign of reaction, they just stared. Peacekeepers lead them away, off the stage, Woof and I following sadly.

"They're both young," he said, to which I only nodded. I was Melody's age when I went into the games. I won so why couldn't she? The same goes for Zeke.

"Talent?" He got my one worded questions as always, "I'm not sure. We'll see, would you and Axel like to talk to them on the train?"

My ears perked up and I looked at Woof in surprise. In my current state and age, Woof noticed my immediate feelings for the eighteen year old Mentor.

I smiled at him happily and nodded my head eagerly. "Well alright," he walked away, and I knew he was retrieving Axel.

I boarded the train and walked into my quarters. The screen wall lit up with the reapings of the other districts. One and Two were as I expected, full of themselves.

Three's kids looked smart, Four's were no less threatening than them. Five wasn't much to look at, Six, Seven, Nine, Ten were average and alike to one another.

Eleven hurt, as I watched the most adorable little girl come on stage, her big brown eyes watching her small family. I didn't expect anyone to volunteer though. An older boy, possibly eighteen was the male tribute.

Lastly was twelve, and I expected no more than what was in the other poor districts, like my own for example.

I giggled quietly, watching as Uncle Haymitch tried to give Effie Trinket a hug whilst they were   on stage, and despite what Larii might think, Effie is nice, and much more than the other that host the reaping.

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