Chapter Two

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I sat quietly in the bathroom of my compartment, back against the door and staring at the roof, as the exotic feeling of the morphling running through me put my mind at ease.

Slowly, the memory of the needle that won me the games, hitting Tanner Oreigon from District 2, faded back into my treasure chest of forbidden epiphanies.

They were at it again, Axel and Woof. Arguing about something that I did not understand. I had managed to collect so very few things from their hushed disagreements, and Cecelia and Hanaberi would look at me sympathetically, Hanaberi in particular.

"It's okay Azaylan," she would say. "It's not your fault."

Something about the way she said it, and the way she smiled told me that it was. It also told me that Hanaberi didn't like me very much. 

All I knew, was that Axel was trying to protect a girl from something I wasn't sure of. This 'something' was a tragedy Axel, and Hanaberi had been through. I didn't know what, and I was fairly frightened of asking Cecelia. 

Also, I didn't know who 'she' was, the girl that Axel was trying to protect.

I heard that President Snow had something to do with it as well, which was also upsetting. Maybe I should ask Finnick, he might know, or perhaps Celeste?

Eventually I dragged myself off the floor and came into my bright room, despite the fact that it was nighttime.

My hand still held the syringe tightly, and felt I was not able to let go of it. Maybe it's because I was thinking of my 'victory' again, when the district 2 boy chased me and I had one needle left, and my hand locked around it like it is now.

I left for the dining area again, and took a seat at the empty table after grabbing a bottle of vodka from the small bar and a glass.

Taking a seat, I poured a single into the short glass and leaned back with a heavy sigh. Perhaps this will help? I had finally dropped the syringe on the table to drink this, so maybe it will.

I heard the door being dragged open as I took a sip, and found Axel walking in looking tired and angry. Possibly spotting me because of my hair, he stopped. I looked away when his head snapped in my direction.

I was more than aware that he hated me sometimes. Our feelings were exactly the opposite of eachother's. I looked down as he walked towards me, and snatched the bottle off the table. 

"Don't be stupid, morphling and vodka couldn't be a worse mixture." Perhaps he had noticed the syringe. 

This is where I felt like the lovesick puppy that follows him around like a child. I didn't reply as he left, and just sat there, sipping the rest of my drink. 

On the way back to my room, I heard a whimpering coming from the room that Melody was sleeping in. Automatically I returned to my old District 8 self, and went in to see her.

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