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An hour later Finn and Rory were sat on the jet ready to take off. Finn's arm was draped over Rory's shoulder as she leaned into him, her hand resting on his chest.
"Love" he said softly
She looked up at him.
"You sure about this?"
"Yes" was her reply. "With you I feel alive. I have never been so in love. You make everyday an adventure and I want every adventure from now on to be as your wife. You have no idea how much you mean to me, but last night when you asked me to marry you, it wasn't something I had to think about. Then this morning all I wanted was for you to make good on the question. I realised that I actually didn't want to wait which is why I suggested this. I would walk to the ends of the earth for you. You are a truly amazing man and now all I want is for you to be my husband. How about you? Are you sure about this?"
"Honestly Love i couldn't have put it better myself. You suprised me by suggesting we got married right away. To others it may seem crazy but as I said this morning, crazy works for us. You are my everything." Finn responded planting a kiss on her lips.
"In omnia paratus" She said
Finn smiled and pulled Rory in even closer "In omnia paratus" He replied softly.

The jet took off and Rory and Finn dozed in their seats too comfy with their closeness and position with each other to move.
The pilot came across the intercom. "Mr. Morgan, Miss Gilmore we will be landing in 20 minutes."
"Thank you" Rory responded "So Mr. Morgan where have you whisked me off too?"
"Well Miss Gilmore....." he stopped mid sentence
"Yes" she prompted
"You know Love that's the first time you have asked where we are going. I mean usually you bug me for hours and just give up but not once since we left have you asked."
"Maybe I realised there was no point this time." Rory said laughing and she didn't press the matter.

The jet landed and they disembarked.
Rory knew instantly where they were. She squeezed Finn's hand and he looked down at her and winked.
Their bags were being loaded into the waiting car. As they approached the car the doors opened and a man and a woman stepped out.
Rory squealed, dropped Finn's hand and ran towards them flinging herself at the man who caught her and lifted her into the air spinning her round.

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