Twenty Three

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Finn arrived to pick Rory up at 11 am. She was all ready to go and even had a slight sparkle in her eyes. They loaded her bag into his car and set off for the airstrip.

They got on the jet and settled in ready for take off. The flight was long. They were both dozing and watching movies. Conversation flowed easily between them. Rory telling Finn some of her favorite memories of her grandpa and of Lorelai's escapades involving both her grand parents. They were both laughing when the pilot announced they would be landing in a few minutes.

Finn had a car waiting for them, their bags were loaded and they set off towards the hotel.

"So what's the plan?" Rory asked her eyes glued to her new surroundings.
"Well Love, we will get to the hotel, order food then shower and change for a night out. Tonight I will introduce you to two of my closest friends and the four of us will get absolutely plastered." Finn shot her a smile.
"That actually sounds like the perfect start to a getaway."

On arriving at the hotel the bags were taken out the car and wheeled in for them.
Finn took Rory's hand and lead the way towards the elevator briefly stopping at the desk. He inserted a key card into the slot and the elevator started to climb. The doors opened and instead of the corridor Rory was expecting they were met with a room that was the most luxurious she had ever seen.
"Wow." Rory whispered "are you sure this isn't a mistake?"
Finn laughed. "No Love. It's not a mistake. Welcome to my other home."
"Your other what?" Rory spun to face Finn who had already picked up the house phone and was ordering food.
Once he replaced the recieved he began to explain. "The Morgan Group, my family's business, have hotels all over the world. There are three in New York before you ask. This is one, now at each hotel we have a family suite that we share. It is literally kept for family only. With three exceptions. This hotel and two in New York. Instead of a suite we have an apartment. The two in New York, one apartment is my sisters and the other is my parents. This one is mine. So welcome to my other home."
Rory was shocked.  She could see that it made perfect sense but still she was shocked.
"I stand by my initial wow." Rory said
"Now Love. Food is ordered. My room is that one on the right which means you have three to choose from. Take your pick and make yourself at home. The kitchen is fully stocked so I'm going to put some coffee on."

Rory walked to the room opposite Finn's and opened the door. It was amazing. Simple, beautifully designed and homely all at the same time. There was a small balcony, this is where Finn found her, outside on the balcony. He handed her a mug of coffee which she took greatfully.
"This place is captivating." Rory said in a quiet voice
"I know Love. This place is always where I will call home. Like you and Stars Hollow. I come over as much as I possibly can. It is a great pleasure to be able to bring you with me this time."
"Finn" Rory said. He looked down at her "I have absolutely no idea how I would have managed these last few weeks without you. Thank you." Rory reached up and kissed him. The physical jolt of energy they felt in that brief moment shocked both of them.
"Any time Love." Finn softly replied.

There was no denying the energy they felt around each other, neither prepared to admit it to the other just yet.  They ate their food and went to get ready for a night out.
Rory was nervous about meeting two of Finn's closest friends, she just didn't know why.

Rory was pleased with how she looked. Her blue dress fitted her beautifully and brought out the colour in her eyes. Her favorite heels made her legs look longer than they were. She left the room to find Finn waiting for her. He was floored at how beautiful she looked. He couldn't take his eyes off her.
"Will this do?" Rory said chuckling at the expression on Finn's face.
"Do love. I'd say it will do. I can see I'm in for a busy night helping you find off all the men." Finn said still transfixed.
Laughing Rory asked "shall we go?"
Finn offered her his arm which she took and they made their way out.

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