Chapter 9: March 11, 2008: D

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I'm suspended for fighting again, and now my recruiting sergeant is all over me for my poor behavior. I'm getting yelled at through the phone because they no longer call my parents anymore which I always put down Alpha's number as their contact number, they call my recruiting sergeant.

Eventually, I get tired of listening to him so I put my regular phone in the freezer and go upstairs to where I have my extra phones and I get ready. I turn on my phones instantly and I get a message from Rho Micheal, "Hey man, between the Mechanic shop and the gas station, there's a problem. Please call me or come visit me and I will explain. -PP

I answer back right away, "I'm starting early today, what's going on?"

I get an immediate phone call, "I was hanging out with 'Eta Lima' and he told me that he has been trying to solve this problem of a street racing crew that he has been in charge of."

"And why hasn't he come to me?"

"He wants to show that he can be trusted to solve problems, he wants a promotion."

"This bullshit of going rogue is why I'm not looking at him for a promotion! This is not his first time trying to usurp me! I might have him killed if his decision to not let me solve this problem gets out of control. Okay whatever, you are not the one I have the beef with, what's the problem?"

"He has a street racing crew of five with their leader 'Alex Sandoval' in a black Camero. We worked on it made it have almost 500hp has no problem with the car, added NOS. Made it more aerodynamic reduced weight by almost 600Lbs."

"You are telling me things I want to hear the good news. I hate having the good news first. Give me the bad news already, you're starting to piss me off!"

"Alex wants to be a free agent and this year he refuses to pay for his upgrades that we gave him."

I run out the house phone still attached to me sprinting to the car, "I'm going to go to my apartment to look at specific reports. Do you happen to know how much extra he has to pay before he ends up buying himself out? It's okay if you don't I understand you are basically the pit crew."

"I don't know where he is now but he agreed to the 75k in upgrades on his first car, totaled his first car but he owned that honda civic, we bought him a 15k replacement, the Camero he is driving now; I believe we put only 50k in upgrades into that car. Plus a monthly interest-"

"15% monthly except for November, December, January, and February."

"That's right Gamma."

"So you don't know where he ended up with this?"

"No, he won two cars for us and a shit ton for our cut from his races. But that was last year. He is not done but to him we are dead."

"I will call you back in a bit when me and my three brain cells figure it out." I flip through all my records I go back to his last race. He lost the race but still paid the other races the 3k and paid his interest to us. I call back "Hey man, what's good"

"Hey, I'm guessing you figured it out."

"Yeah, Alex owes us just over 60k."

"That's a lot isn't it?"

"He was actually pretty good before all this the maximum he could be owing us is $323k."

"So what is going to happen?"

"First set of races is is this Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Let's see if he chooses to pay us the minimum of 25% of his winnings, with this rumor, I'm going to be excited if he lowers down to the mathematical minimum of 16% of the winnings."

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