chapter 17: march 21, 2009: D

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I'm driving through Wisconsin I94 going about 85mph when I find the people I'm looking for I had their address but this would be easier to get them to let me in. I get their attention by slamming on the breaks and circling around their car.

The two guys in the car are looking at me like I'm absolutely insane when I finally get beside them. I write my phone number in a notebook and press it against the glass for a few seconds towards them across the car.

They call me as I have to slam on the breaks and duck behind them to not be demolished by a passing semi.

"Who are you?"

"How can you not recognize me? I'm the old Beta!"

"Oh shit! Hey man, we thought you died!"

"Nah man, I went into the military came to visit a few of the guys and girls I consider family while I'm in-between training got my ranger wings and reached whole new levels of fighting. Found out you were in Wisconsin so I decided to visit, hope you don't mind."

"Damn man, yeah we are in witness protection. We have a trial in two weeks, federal case because we were kidnapped and forced to sell drugs and street race and all kinds of illegal shit."

"I was forced to as well but I was blessed out for good service by Alpha."

"You should come over for dinner there are three more guys at the house."

"It's 4 am."

"James and I work nights, and the other guys work randomly I think everyone is off tomorrow and the next day. Dinner is every meal bro."

"I need sleep bro."

"Still gotta show you off make sure everyone knows you're there as a guest."

"That's cool. That's cool. How much further? I'm falling asleep."

"We'll speed up exit is in another 5 miles or so."


We get to the house on a large property and they walk in first and they ring some kind of iron dinner bell. And people start wandering out of rooms, to include a woman I had never seen before. And everyone takes a seat at the dining room table. Tyrone pipes up, "Who calls us to this meeting, I was just getting my dick sucked by my whore."

I notice the extra woman sitting on the floor next to his chair. "Tyrone, what is wrong with you?"

"You don't get to judge me, coward, you left right before the shit hit the fan! Now I say again, who calls us to this meeting?"

James speaks up, "I did, old Beta wanted to come visit for a few days, I let him in I just wanted him to be known. Now, Who's hungry?"

Tyrone says to the woman, "someone just said they were hungry, what are you doing not going to the kitchen?"

She meekly says, "But I have to go to the bathroom first."

"I don't give a fuck. Go make some waffles! Now bitch. Now. Walk. Go. I'll just get the taser if you don't do what I say I don't give a fuck." She looks like she is going to say something then walks away tearing up and defeated. "I'm sorry you had to see that, usually she listens right away. So Beta, what is your name anyway, we never got to find out what to call you, just that your name was Beta that was your rank and that's what we were supposed to call you."

The other guys chuckled at that and someone pipes up with the comment, "Oh my god, I remember that! Dude, you were a total badass!"

"Still am, and becoming more so."

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