Your false friend

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You pace down this lonely road,

Weeping in silence.

I hold your hand without a sound,

As you absorb their violence.

You cry alone in bed at night,

All your efforts seem in vain.

I hold you close in clear moonlight,

Because I feel your pain.

You lie broken upon the floor,

Your heart's wounds are dire.

You've been betrayed so many times,

So I ignite the fire.

You wonder how they can't understand,

Blazing tears creep down your face.

So I infect your blood, poison your mind,

As your heart begins to race.

The crystal stars flee in terror,

As you stand against your foes.

You wish them to know what they have done,

Your true feelings begin to show.

You break her nose, pound his gut,

As I twist you like a disease.

You blindly think you're now in control,

But I do as I please.

Your true strength begins to flourish,

Press on with the attack!

But I am never one to share,

So I stab you in the back

You collapse to the floor; a fallen angel,

Mortified at my lie.

But I laugh and turn my back to you

And leave you there to die.

You continue pacing down this lonely road,

Understanding why I lied.

But instead, you gently smile at clear skies,

Grateful that you survived.

This poem is about anger, sadly something that i have had many occurences with in my life. I felt like i wanted to write a poem about it, to stop people from getting angry, because in the end, your anger will betray you. It'll seem like the perfect answer, but it'll eat you from the inside out eventually. I hope i got that message across.

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