1~Meant To Be~

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Feelings are hurt and changed so often that they have lost their meaning,

The world revolves around going on with its day and yet here I am sitting alone without you,


why did it have to end so fast

why did it stop so suddenly

why does my heartache by just hearing your name

when I could've had you sitting right here beside me

I wish I knew what went wrong

but knowing me I know that I am the flaw

I am the flaw that ruined our relationship

so why did I see you crying over me


someone who doesn't deserve to be loved

someone who is fucked up in every way

But here I am waiting for you,

to come back

Please come back in my arms

I know I am being selfish

by waiting to ruin your happy life

but what can I do this is all I feel

This is all I want

This is all I need

Seasons changed and the flowers lost their colors

what once was our spring day turned into our winter

People walked past without a second glance at the fallen leaves

it reminded me of the times I felt your ghostly presence near me

It happened so fast and so quick that everything else was left as a blur

reminiscing this I hopped my thoughts can be heard

I wrote down words that contained my feeling and love for you

but what else could I do

You moved places

lived with someone else

in their house

with a smile that could light up my so-called house

the one where you once slept

where your scent still lingers


I met your friends today

they looked at me in pity as they saw my face

they mentioned that you are happy with someone else

I faked laughed and I said I knew

I didn't

I wish that I could see your face

your small crescents that haunted my day

I wish I knew why I felt this way

something that I wish didn't start with an L and ended with an E


A year has passed since I last saw you

but the truth was that I still have our photos on my phone and on the walls 

You asked me how I was doing I reluctantly replied as fine

but that went all downhill when I checked my phone for the time and you saw my wallpaper

of us, together and happy

I looked up in a panic, hoping you didn't see

but the way your eyes teared up told me otherwise

I wished I knew how you felt at that moment because I left

I heard you call out my name but it just made me run faster

But fate had other plans as my body gave up and fell on the concrete floor

but funny thing was that I heard your voice before it all went blank

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