Tendou x Wakatoshi - Haikyuu

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I, Tendou Satori a notorious criminal, currently am running from the police.  It’s a pretty self-explanatory really.  I woke up this morning and decided to rob a bank. The bank that I was planning on stealing from is one of the most popular here in Japan. Known for their fast service and limited crimes, Shiratorizawa bank is indeed popular- which made this place a perfect target. Or so I thought.

I got to the bank mask on, gun out. I did the whole “Get down or I’ll shoot, be silent or I’ll shoot, and lastly if you even move an inch I’ll shoot.” I took a decent amount of money from the main volt. I spray painted my signature “Miracle Boy” onto the wall in a rich red and bubbly letters. It was an easy job done and I honestly just thought it was luck. I skipped out of the large modern building and just when I thought I was home free I came face to face with a horde of guns and uniformed police. Needless to say I forgot about the large stack of cash and ran.

That’s the whole story. I’m currently running down back streets and doing awesome parkour to get to safety. My parkour isn’t as polished as that YouTube guy I watched nor am I losing the cops.  I jumped over a fence, nearly falling, and turned onto a main road.

Looking to the left of the road I could see small shops, cracked pavement and flickering street lamps. Looking right I saw the same, except a few feet away from the alleyway that I was stationed at was a tall brunette, with drool worthy muscles. He seemed to be fixing his grey motorcycle.  As I could hear the police’s heavy footsteps getting louder.  I knew that the longer I stood here the closer they would get. I also knew that there was a hot stranger to my right who was about to drive away on a perfectly fine looking motorcycle.

With one last look behind me, I took my mask off stuffed it in my sweatshirt pocket and ran towards the tall stranger. When I was closer to the stranger I could hear his motorcycle’s low rumbles. Which was odd in my eyes, motorcycles tend to be louder than that.  Pushing those thoughts that were swirling in my head back, I jump on the stranger’s motorcycle right behind him. I wrapped my arms around his middle and yelled “You might want to drive.”  As if on cue police sirens and shouts could be heard in the near distance.

I could feel the stranger shrug and put on his helmet. Then we were off. Believe it or not this was my first time riding one of these. I liked feeling the wind and being able to see the bright lights flash past us. I couldn’t help but feel excited riding on a motorcycle for the first time and not only that I’m clutching onto a total hunk.  I didn’t get the money from the bank, I dropped my gun and my new can of spray paint, and on top of that I found out that you have to watch more than one tutorial video to become a parkour master but it’s still been a successful day in my book.

I wasn’t really paying attention to how long we were driving but when we got to our destination the sky was turning to bright shades of yellow and orange; signifying a new day. I hopped off the scooter while the stranger turned the vehicle off and took the keys out of the bike. He turned to me, doing a double take on my appearance. I was covered in grime and dirt from running through the alleys. Not only that but I have spiky red hair and abnormally large eyes. I’m sure the stranger will tell me off and then announce that I’m a monster.

“Ushijima Wakatoshi and you are?”  Now that was not what I was expecting –a friendly introduction.  Not that I can complain though. “Tendou Satori!” I grinned eagerly up at the taller male. He hummed in acknowledgement “I do have questions but I believe you would feel better with tea and a shower first.”

I nodded vigorously “I would love a shower! You’re so nice Toshi!”   Wakatoshi started for the brick building across the street from where he parked his bike. “Toshi?” Wakatoshi asked with raised eyebrows. “Yep! It’s your new nickname that I made just for you.” I followed after the tall brunette. The other hummed.

We arrived across the street in front of the large brick building; Toshi opened the large wooden door. I followed after him as he traveling into the apartment building and up a flight of old stairs. He took out a silver key as we came to the end of a hallway. Toshi unlocked a large dark oak door that I can only assume leads to his apartment.  The brunette turned the golden door handle before opening the door. He stepped into the apartment with me following close behind. We took our shoes off at the entrance way.

The apartment was simple but beautiful. After the entry way there was a hallway; this hallway leads to the dining room, kitchen and living room. Between the kitchen and living room there was another hallway that leads to a bedroom, bathroom, and storage closet.  All of the rooms were modern and homey. After the short tour through Toshi’s home He directed me to the shower with some of his clothes and a towel.

After a short shower which consisted of me slipping and Toshi bargaining in asking if I was okay –Vey eventful?  I put the clothes Toshi had given me to wear on.  He had given me a green shirt which read “Farmer Friend” and a pair of plain gray sweat pants. The shirt goes down to my mid-thigh and the sweat pants keep falling down; but you know what they say when you’re running from a bunch of police and you find a getaway stranger you can’t be picky. That’s not actually what they say but we can pretend.

I opened the oak door and started down the hallway towards the kitchen. The closer I got to the tiled kitchen the stronger the mouth watering smell became. I popped my head in the kitchen to see what smelt so good and I am not disappointed, Toshi is cooking. Not only is he hot, he also knows how to cook. “Gah! That smells... it smells like amazing. No amazing isn’t a good enough word to describe how good this smells…. it’s like-” Toshi cut my rambling off “I made you tea it’s in the fridge.” He pointed to the largesilver fridge that’s so clean I could see my dreadful reflection in it. I opened the fridge door to see food and drinks. “It’s on the second shelf” Toshi pointed out. True to his word there was a cup of tea sitting in the front of the second shelf.

“Uh... thanks Toshi. Not just for the tea, thanks for the shower, change of clothes, the ride, really thanks for everything.” I shyly mumbled to the taller male. “I didn’t have a choice on giving you a ride.” Toshi pointed out. The other males bluntness made me laugh “Yeah, I guess.”

After waiting few minutes in silence Toshi was done cooking. “Hey, what is this anyway?” I questioned the male. “Tonkatsu.” He answered with a nod of his head. I hummed in acknowledgement. Toshi plated the food gave me my plate, grabbed two pairs of chop sticks and lead me to the small dining room. We sat down and started to eat. It was the first time I had ever eaten Tonkatsu and it is delicious.

Half way through the meal I decided to answer to Toshi’s analyzing stare and questioning gaze. “You probably have questions that you want to ask me... so ask away. I’ll be as truthful as possible.”  The brunette that was sitting opposite of me hummed his question “Why did you jump on my bike?”  I smiled at his question “I was trying to rob Shiratorizawa bank; I almost got caught so I ran.”

He seemed more confused by my answer and asked another question “I’m sure you had a gun or a weapon of some sort, so why didn’t you fight back.” I laughed at his question which seemed to fuel Toshi’s confusion further. “It’s against my policy.” I answered. “Policy?” Toshi interrogated. “Yep, policy. I may be a criminal but I don’t want to hurt anybody; I just want to give them a scare.”

“Your policy is to not hurt people? Then why do you do it? The criminal thing.” Inquired Toshi. “I don’t want to hurt people I’ve never wanted to hurt people really.” I explained “They treated me like a monster, so I showed them how much of a monster I could really be.” I grinned up at Toshi. I couldn’t read his expression but I’m sure that he’s going to kick me out and spit on my grave.

“You’re not a monster.”  Toshi declared locking eyes with me. After a few seconds of silence passed Toshi stood taking both of our plates. “Monsters don’t spare other peoples’ lives. Therefore you’re no monster.” He started toward the kitchen stopping at the door. He turned around and looked at my sitting frame “You’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want Tendou. You have to stop the criminal stuff though.”

That was the third time I had been surprised by this man and I’m positive it won’t be the last.

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