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☆I'm a sweetheart. I don't do angst, so fluff it is again~~
☆Kwon Ji Yong is kind, happy towards everyone~~


'(Bells ringing)'

"Welcome to GD's Home and Shop for Pets~~."

A deep but cheerful voice said as Kwon Ji Yong, a blonde-haired boy smiled at a women that had entered the shop. Upon hearing the doorbell,  a dog hybrid with the name of Youngbae came stroding towards the woman and greeted her with a piece of paper.

"This shop sells pets that suits their owner's liking. So, do please fill in this form so we know which is the best pet for you, madam."

Ji Yong said as he patted Youngbae's pink locks while still smiling at the woman. The woman blushed as she received the form and began filling out the form.

"I'm done."

"Thank you, madam. Do enjoy some tea while I'll go through your selections."

Ji Yong said as he took the paper from the woman and started going through the area that were full of varieties of pets while looking through them one by one according to the woman's selection. Getting a nod from Ji Yong, Youngbae went to the back of the shop again and reappeared with a tray of tea and a plate of snacks. Placing it in front of the woman, Youngbae bowed and stood behind the counter, seemingly drifting off to space.

After a few minutes, Ji Yong reappeared again with a Persian in his hands and gently placed the cat in front of the woman. The woman stared at the Persian that had a coat of dazzling silver. The woman nodded approvingly at the cat before taking out her purse for payment.

"Including its cage, food, and other necessary items, that would be three hundred fifty dollars, madam."

Ji Yong said as he packed the items together and with Youngbae's help, he helped put them into the woman's car. The woman thanked the two for their help and stared at Ji Yong.

"Is there something on my face, madam??"

"No. Sorry for staring. I thought every pet owner was given a form after purchasing a pet??"

"Ahh~~ That form is only for those who have purchased a hybrid, madam. A pet like a dog or cat isn't necessary for unwanted paperwork."

The woman nodded understandingly before thanking Ji Yong again. Ji Yong smiled back anf walked back to his shop. Seeing there was no one in the streets, Ji Yong decided to rest for a while.

Entering the back area of the shop, which was also Ji Yong's resting place, he hummed happily as he saw Youngbae standing over the counter, brewing his favourite chrysanthemum-scented tea.

"Enjoy your tea."

"How thoughtful of you."

Ji Yong thanked the other before taking a sip of the scented tea. After seeing the approving nod from his master, Youngbae smiled than prepared to cook lunch for Ji Yong and the others.

"Hmm, Riri is not down yet."

"Probably still sleeping with his mother. The two stayed up quite late as Seungri had a stomachache last night."

"And where were you??"

"Down here. Helping you entertain a few important guests as you said."

Youngbae said as he placed a plate of pastry to go along with Ji Yong's tea. Ji Yong nodded a thanks at Youngbae's courtesy before offering a seat to the other hybrid. The two were in a comfortable silence until the sound of fotsteps rushing down the stairs caught their attention.

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