Chapter 1: The Return

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Marinette's POV

Its been 2 whole years.2 years since that day. 2 years since I left to stay with Uncle Plagg, Aunt Tikki and my cousin Bridgette. 2 years, and here I am Paris. Home.

Luckily for me Bridgette decide to come with me. At least I had someone. Bridgette was only a month older than me or so, she came so I would have someone to support me. And I am gonna need it. After what they did I don't know if I can forgive them, let alone even face them.

But I'm back. And I have too. For me. I have to show them, I don't need them. I just have too! As I stand infront of the bakery with Bridgette, I know I can do this. Because, this is my home. And I will fight for it.

What they did to it with Chloe can never be forgiven. My parents don't even recognize me anyone. I let my hair grow out and its in a pony tail. I'm wearing a T-shirt that says ' don't like my way, then jog on '. And black pants that have 'WILD' written on the side of them. Its the new me. Just they wait. Adrien,Alya and Nino, you of all people should have stood by me. But you guys did the worst things. That's why I can never forgive you guys ever.


Hey Guys!
This is my first story. Feedback is welcome! And I am sorry for the short chapter but I promise they will get longer!

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