Hometown Glory

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This is all so new. I never knew a plane could get so big as I walk up to the second deck I peer out the window and shiver at the sight. I never liked heights. Beside me Shawn's shoulders slump as he takes the window seat silently and puts his earphones in. I take the seat beside him and turn my face towards his. He stares out the window, unnoticed by me. My fingers linger over his hand then he turns his face to look at me, I could see the pain written all over his face. He places his hand in mine and squeezes it tightly as I say, "everything will be okay. You wait and see."
He nods his head but it doesn't reassure him as he leans back into his seat and closes his eyes.


I wake up to a shake to my shoulder.
"Sorry for disturbing you but we will be landing soon, please fasten your seatbelt," the air hostess says while the plane rocks back and forth. Beside me Shawn nestles on my shoulder as I place my hand on the side of his face before running my fingers through his hair. He looks so at peace it destroys me to wake him up to the reality around him.
"Shawn," I whisper into his ear and kiss the top of his head. He doesn't move.
"Shawn," I say a little louder and a soft mumble escapes his lips, "we are about to land."
"I love you," I freeze in my place, my heart beats louder and my breath gets heavier. I slightly move him off my shoulder and realise he is still sleeping. I let out a huge sigh realising I wasn't ready for it yet but a huge disappointment knowing he didn't mean it. I shake his shoulder and his eyes flutter open, "we are about to land Shawn."
"Oh," he says buckling his seatbelt.


I look at myself in the mirror and notice my bags getting drooper and my eyes bloodshot. I'm terrified. Scared shitless that something even more awful is going to happen. My life had been looking up the tour was going great, I met Karla and of course something like this had to happen. I splash water over my face hoping to wake up from this nightmare but I still stand here in this airport bathroom waiting to see if my mum and sister are going to be okay.
"Shawn?" My dad enters the bathroom and I wrap my arms around him just letting myself go. Crying into his shoulder.
"I'm so scared dad."
"Shawn look at me," he grips my shoulders, "you know your mum is a fighter and Aaliyah is so stubborn."
"Yeah she is," I smile a little.
"They are going to be fine."


I sit here dreading every minute. Hospitals, never liked them. Yes they do good things but being here surrounded by pain and death scares me a bit more than I already am.
"She's awake," a nurse pops up beside us and we all hop up at once but only my dad and I can go in. I glance back at Karla and she just smiles.
"Look at you all battered up and bruised!" Dad's voice booms as he storms into the room to hug Aaliyah.
"Dad!" Her voice is raspy and I can tell she struggles to speak. "Shawn?"
"Hey," is all that escapes from my lips although I want to say more.
"I missed you so much," she says as she embraces me into a hug. "I'm sorry you had to stop your tour for me."
"For us actually," a nurse strolls my mum into the room in a wheelchair.
"Oh Karen," dad says before kneeling down and kissing her on the lips.
"Mum," what escapes my mouth sounds like a squeal but I couldn't hold it in. "I was so scared I lost you."
"Don't be silly I'm not going anywhere," I have to bend further down for her because I am so tall. "So, where's you girlfriend?"
"Who says she came?" Mum gives me a stern look and she knows that Karla came with me.
"You want to meet her?"
"Well I am stuck in a wheelchair Shawn what else am I going to do!" She throws her hands up im the air sarcastically.
"Wait Shawn you have a girlfriend?" Aaliyah giggles.


I see Shawn exit the room with a smile on his face and i'm thankful for the happy news. As he reaches me he holds my face and plants a kiss on my lips.
"They are going to be fine and don't freak out but my mum kind of wants to meet you."
"Wait right now!" I feel slightly worried but really excited at the same time. I squeeze his hands as he takes me down the hall.
"Knock knock," Shawn says while his family turns to face me.
"You know you could always knock," Manny says.
"Oh she's cute Shawn," Karen says wheeling over and shaking my hand.
"Lets see what you think about her after the towel incident." I shoot Manny a glance and he chuckles.
"No Dad please don't!" Shawn blushes embarrassingly, looks at his feet and smiles.

Author's Note: I am so sorry for not updating for over a month! Aaahhh I'm so sorry forgive me!!! <3

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