1. From the get-go I knew this was hard to hold.

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Alex had never experienced anything as painful as the illness he was currently facing. Turns out cancer wasn't as exciting as TV made it out to be. After pulling himself out of bed on this cold Tuesday morning, putting on some trashy clothes and eating some fruit, he snatched the keys from the kitchen counter and walked to his car. Driving to the hospital in the morning had become a frequent thing after being diagnosed and he was actually getting used to it. Today was different, however, it was today that he'd find out how much longer he had to live if he took treatment. Alex was hoping he'd get at least 10 years, but he knew he wouldn't be that lucky. He was too scared to see the doctor and left it too late, letting the disease spread through his body. He was yet to tell his fans about all of this, he didn't have the heart to do it. It was hard enough to tell his best friends. Especially Jack. He could never forget the look on his face as the tears began to build up in his eyes. After a while of being lost inside his own head, Alex pulled in to the parking lot of the hospital. His hands were shaking, it had been so long since his nerves had overtaken him like this. He checked in and then sat in the waiting room. The anticipation to hear his name being called was unbearable, dismissing the other nurses speaking to other people. It was about 10 minutes before his turn arose, tossing the backpack he carried with him over his shoulder as he walked to the doctor's office. He took a seat opposite the doctor, a desk seperating them. 

"Ahh, Mr Gaskarth. Nice to see you again. How are you doing?" Alex's doctor asked cheerily.

" I'm o-okay thank you." He stuttered a reply, his nerves were apparent. 

"So, we have some results here for you." Dr Stephens shuffled through a pile of paper, trying to find the document he was looking for. He let out an 'ah' as he found what he'd been looking for, a white sheet with Alex's most vital information on. 

"So, are you prepared to take treatment?" The doctor glanced upwards, his eyes moving to his patient.

"H-how much time wou-would I get?" Alex could tell the news wouldnt be good, judging by the worried look on the other man's face. 

"With treatment? 9 - 11 months. Without it? 2 - 3." And with that, Alex collapsed onto the floor. His breathing became jagged and uneven as tears poured down his face. His vision blacked.

The next thing the boy saw was a white room filled with his best friends and a doctor. His eyes were automatically drawn to the skunk haired boy in the corner of the room, sat with his head in his hands and quiet sobs coming from his lips. 

"Jack," Alex mumbled, not quite fully aware of his surroundings. The younger boy jumped up and ran towards the bed of his best friend.

"Alex..." he said in reply, wrapping his arms around him, carefully - he didn't want to cause him any more pain. "...Everything's gonna be okay, I promise you." He then planted a kiss onto the boys forehead, feeling him relax into his arms. 

"W-What happened?" Confusion filled Alex's head as he tried to regain his memory.

"You collapsed in the doctor's office after he told you how much time you have left. You're fine, they just wanted to keep you in here for a while to check some stuff."

"...oh." Was the only reply Alex could think up as he remembered exactly how much time he would live for. Under a year.

"Jack... I-I'm gonna d-die." Alex's breathing became unsteady again. Jack just tried to comfort him, gently 'shh'ing him whenever his sobbing became out of hand. The other guys decided it would be wise to leave them to it now they knew Alex was fine.

"It's gonna be okay, Lex. I'm here, okay? I'm here with you and it's gonna be fine." Jack always managed to cheer Alex up, however, Jack was now crying too. They were tangled in eachother's arms in a tiny room at a hospital, crying together. They were reassuring themselves, saying it would be okay, when in fact, they both knew it wouldn't be.

We were destined to explode. -Jalex-Where stories live. Discover now