2. The whole thing spun out of control.

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Alex sunk into the sofa placed in his living room. He didn't get any sleep last night, partly because of the news that had been broken to him and partly because hospital beds are so uncomfortable. He pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time. 1:14 pm. Alex knew he couldn't spend the whole day alone so he dialled the number of his best friend, hoping he would pick up.

"Hello?"  A voice was heard from the other side of the line.

"Jack!!" Alex replied with as much enthusiasm as he could find at the time.

"Hey Alex! How's it going?"  Jack asked, despite putting on a brave face for Alex, he was just as terrified with the whole situation. 

"I'm okay. Come over today please? I don't want to be by myself." Before Alex could finish his sentence, Jack pulled on a jacket and ran out of his house, towards the car.

"On my way." He stated.

Within five minutes of Alex putting down the phone, the doorbell sounded. The sick boy pulled himself up from the couch and made his way to the door, greeting his friend with a hug as soon as he identified him. They both made their way to the kitchen, Jack jumped onto the counter and sat with his legs dangling over the side. After a moment of silence,

"I wanna get pissed. Just to... forget this all for a bit." 

"Good idea." Jack agreed with his friend's plans for the day and he pulled a couple beers from the cabinet beneath him, tossing one to his friend. 

The band mates spent hours just drinking and talking about the weirdest subjects. 

"I-I have an idea." Jack stuttered, barely able to get his words out. "Let's p-play truth or dare." Alex just nodded, making himself comfortable on the floor he was now sat on. 

"My go." He insisted. "T-Truth." 

"Fuck, marry, kill. Me, Z-Zack or Rian?" 

Alex took a moment to contemplate his answer. "Is fucking included in the marriage?" He asked, giggling like a maniac.

"If you want it to be." Jack laughed.

"T-Then I'd marry you, fuck Zack and k-kill Rian." Alex could tell that his friend was flattered by the answer, considering the very apparent cherry red his face had turned. 

"I choose truth t-too." said Jack, taking another sip of his drink.

"Hmm... do you find me attractive?" hiccuped Alex.

"These are getting very personal, Mr Gaskarth." The sentence was ridiculously slurred. "But, I find you very a-attractive, yes." Alex blushed almost as much so as Jack before choosing a truth again.

"W-Would it be weird if I kissed you right n-n-now?" Jack just gazed into Alex's eyes before the older boy knocked the bottle of beer by his hand onto the floor, pushing his lips to Jack's with force. Alex wasn't sure if it was the alcohol in his system but he could feel something completely different with Jack. A feeling that no boy or girl had ever given him before. Like butterflies in his stomach, but a lot more intense. As long as his lips were connected to his crush, everything he was currently facing was forgotten. Even his illness and the fact that he had under a year to live. Everything was just gone.

"Jack." He whispered inbetween kisses.

"I've liked you for a long time, Alex." Jack was almost breathless by now.

"I-I have too." It was hard to believe eachother as both of the boys had too much to drink but the sincerity was there. It felt wrong to be making out with your best friend but it also felt so right.

Alex awoke with a pounding headache and a loud ringing in his ear. He quietly cursed to himself. He went to get up, but was stopped but a strong arm around his waist. 'What?' He thought to himself, turning to see who was in his bed.

"Jack?!" He jumped, trying to remember what had happened the night before.

"Alex??" Jack asked, still half asleep.

It didn't take long to assess the situation. Both of them were in the same bed and neither had any clothes on.

"D-Did we sleep together?" 

We were destined to explode. -Jalex-Where stories live. Discover now