3. On a wire, we were dancing.

77 10 2

"Did you mean it?" Jack asked suddenly. 

"Mean what?" Was his friend's reply. 

"Everything." After taking a moment to contemplate, Alex couldn't stop the tears forming in his eyes.

"Yes, I meant it. I like you, Jack. A lot. I always have. But this isn't fair on you. If something was to happen between us, think how you'd feel when I go. I can't be so selfish." 

"I don't care." Jack stated. "Spending 11 months being yours would be enough..."

He didn't need to say anything else. That was all Alex needed to take him into his arms, despite being unsure about the whole thing. Alex had to double check that his soon-to-be boyfriend was definite that it was what he wanted before pressing their lips together softly.

"Cancer's a bitch." Jack's voice was barely audible but still clear enough to understand. Alex just nodded in agreement.

"I was thinking I'd tell the fans today. Write a blog post or something."

"They'll be heartbroken."

"I know." 

This was the only conversation that the boys could keep up during kisses. 

The band mates were now sat on the touch together, eating pizza.

"So are we like... a thing now?" Jack asked, a mouth full of food.

"I-I guess. Just don't let it ruin our friendship?" Alex looked up at his friend hopefully, he just smiled back as an affirmation. 

"I almost forgot..." The older boy started, pulling his computer onto his lap. "...I have a blog post to write." It took Alex a long time to find the right words to say but,  after about 14 draft posts, he finally pressed publish and tweeted the link to the explanation of his illness. After about 30 seconds, the replies began flooding in. Originally, they were just people asking for follows, they obviously didn't read the post. But, after the time it took to read it, the boy's interactions were spammed with tweets from fans.

" @AlexAllTimeLow ALEX OH MY GOD:(("

"@AlexAllTimeLow I'm crying. I love you so much, I hope you're okay."


"@alexalltimelow good. ur music suckd anyway"

With the exception of the occasional idiot, 1000s of tweets flooded in wishing Alex well. Despite the devistation in the fans' hearts, Alex didn't feel like he was facing his disease alone at all, with all the support he was getting from his friends, family and fans. With all of these people behind him, he was determined to make these last 11 months the best of his life. And that is exactly what he'd do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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