Cross (dressing) Merlin

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"Merlin please let me dress you up." Morgana begged as she held a pretty pink dress in front of him.
"Why do you need me for that? Can't you dress Guinevere up?" Merlin asked a little confused at the question.
"Oh, she has dressed me up many a time. She's even dressed up Arthur when they were children." Guinevere smiled at the image of Arthur in a dark blue dress and makeup. Merlin tried to image it, but it was difficult for him since he had only known the blonde for a short while. Also he'd seen the blonde half naked. The muscular chest, the broad shoulders, and that strong chin, prevented such an image of Arthur. Other images did come to his mind though. A lot of them caused a blush.
"So, you'll let me do it. Please, I promise it will only be this one time. I just really want to see what you'll look like." Merlin sighed and reached for the dress in Morgana's hands. He walked behind the dressing screen. His shirt was the easy article of clothing to take off, but his pants were another story. Morgana and Guinevere giggled as he fell onto his back.
"Merlin would you like some help?" Morgana asked, as a playful smile spread across her ruby lips.
"No! Don't come over here!" Merlin cried out in distress. He didn't want to be seen naked by either one of them. He'd died of embarrassment if that happened. He continued to undress, a little unsure of how to do the redressing himself. To his surprise the dress fit him surprisingly well; it hugged his body with its soft fabric.
"Are you almost done?" They asked in unison, both sounded really excited. Merlin groaned, but step from behind the screen.
"Ah, you look so cute!" Morgana squealed as she ran over to him with a raven wig in her hands. Guinevere followed with a brush and two small pouches.
"What are those for?" He questioned.
"There false breast so you fill out the dress properly." Guinevere explained as she slipped them into the front of the pink dress. She tried to hide a smile, but gave up and let it reach even her eyes.
"Oh, don't make that face Merlin. You look better as a girl." Morgana stated when she brushed out the wig. "Now, what colors should be used on him?"
"Soft colors like pink, peach, and maybe red for his lips, I think they'll work best." Guinevere suggested looking at Merlin in a thoughtful manner.
"Do you have to use makeup? Maybe the natural look would be better." Merlin was ignored as they got everything they needed. He was sat on the bed and Guinevere began to skillfully mask his normal self. It didn't take her long to complete Merlin's new look.
"Oh my god, he does look better as a girl!" Guinevere really couldn't believe that Merlin looked so good. She grew a little jealous of that little fact. A knocking drew her attention away.
"Who is it?" Morgana asked before sending her maid to the door.
"It's me, Arthur." He sounded a bit irritated, which cause panic in Guinevere, but she opened the door anyways. "Have you seen Merlin? I can't find..." He trailed off when his eyes came upon the raven haired beauty in the pink dress. He stood speechless for what seem like eternity.
"This is Mercia. I met her the other day and decided to invite her over." Morgana lied, but felt no remorse for doing so. Merlin stood still, panicking on the inside. He didn't know what to do. The last person he wanted to see him dressed like a woman was him. Please don't recognize me, he begged in his mind.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Arthur." Merlin smiled nervously and nodded his head, unsure of what else he was to do. It didn't help that Arthur was staring at him in an intense manner. "Are you from around here?"
"She's very shy around men, so if you don't mind. Leave" Morgana stated bluntly.
"Do you have to be rude Morgana?" Arthur glared at Morgana; he really wanted to talk to the young lady in pink. "Farewell Lady Mercia, may we meet again in a more pleasant environment." With that said Arthur left the room.
"Get me out of these clothes now!" Merlin whispered urgently to the ladies.
"Gladly Merlin." Morgana said with a slight smile.
"On second thoughts, I'll get me out of these clothes." He ran behind the dressing screen, but before he could undress, a knock was heard.
"Who is it?" Morgana asked as she hid a bundle of clothes in her mattress.
"Um...It's me again. I was wondering if Lady Mercia would be joining us for dinner." He sounded a bit nervous which was unusual for him.
"Of course she'll be there." Guinevere stared in shock at Morgana. Morgana smiled. "It'll be ok." She whispered to her.
"Good to hear. So um...I'll see Lady Mercia and you there." Arthur walked away with a goofy smile on his face.
"Morgana, what were you thinking? Where are my clothes?" Merlin was panicking, not only were his clothes missing, but he would be seen by the whole kingdom dressed as a woman. Well maybe not the whole kingdom, but a lot of people.
"Oh it'll be fun and I won't return your clothes unless you do it. So either way you'll be seen dressed as a woman. Which do you prefer?" Morgana was being a bit mean, but she had an alternative intention with what she was doing. Guinevere felt bad for Merlin, but she was sure no one would recognize him. He really did look like a woman, with his slender body, his high cheek bones, and soft lips.
"Merlin, no one is going to recognize you. You just need to not talk and you'll be fine." Guinevere tried to cheer him up, but he still felt hopeless.
"Oh Merlin you'll be fine. Besides I'll be there." That fact did not bring much comfort to him. In fact it stressed him out; he would have preferred Guinevere instead.
"Well it is a pleasure to meet such a lovely lady as yourself, Mercia. " Uther said to Merlin who just smiled awkwardly.
"She's very shy around men my Lord." Morgana explained, humor highlighting her eyes.
"It must be difficult for you my dear. With such beauty, men must always be confessing their love for you." Uther smiled, Merlin wanted to run away. He stomach churned with anticipation. Arthur would be here soon and would try to court him. It wasn't that he didn't like Arthur's attention; it was the little fact that Arthur thought him a woman that bothered him.
"Good evening." Arthur announced cheerfully as he enter the dining room. "I'm glad that you could make it Lady Mercia." He bow and kissed Merlin's hand with his tender lips.
"Let's sit and begin the feast." Uther gestured to the servants to begin serving.
"Do you mind if I sit next to you Mercia?" Arthur questioned with a hopeful tone.
"She can't, she sitting next to me. Besides, wouldn't you like to sit across from her? The view will be exquisite if you do." Morgana guided Merlin away from Arthur. She made a face at Arthur as she held Merlin's hand and whispered softly into his ear. "I told you that this would be fun."
"For you yes. This is horrible for me." He whispered back to her.
"Is the dress uncomfortable?" Morgana inquired.
"No it's very comfortable, it's just...just...I want Arthur to lust after me as myself not as Mercia." Merlin blushed for having admitted that. He expected her to laugh, but he was stunned when she squeezed his hand.
"I'll help you the best I can, so just suffer being a woman for now." She smiled kindly and turned to Arthur. "Can you stop by my room after dinner? There's something I'd like to discuss with you."
"Huh..." His attention was completely on Merlin, that he hadn't heard her speak. Morgana sighed and repeated her question. "Ok."
"I still need my clothes from you." Merlin whispered to Morgana.
"I know." Is all that she said.
Merlin stood behind the dressing screen as Morgana had instructed. Unsure about her plan to reveal him to Arthur, but he didn't have a better solution to the problem. A knocking got his attention and made his heart sink.
"What did you need to discuss?" Arthur asked a bit distracted by the images of Lady Mercia in his head.
"Mercia, what do you think of her?" She kept her face nonchalant as she asked the question.
"I...I don't know. She makes my heart race and my mind can't think coherently. I know this sounds rash but I think I'm in love with her." He sighed as if he had removed a great burden off his shoulders.
"Would you still love her if she was a man?" He laughed uncontrollable, but he stopped when Morgana's face remained serious.
"A're telling me she's a man. Don't be absurd no man can be that beautiful or captivating." An odd look crossed Arthur's handsome face. "Where is Merlin?"
"Why do you ask?" She inquired with a smirk across her face.
"Don't tell me you made he...Mercia?" Arthur didn't know how to feel about it. The eyes, mouth, cheeks, and that slender body he knew them well. He stared at them every day when Merlin wasn't looking. He chuckled softly to himself. "I'm so stupid. I should have recognized him from how much I look."
"What do you mean? Are Merlin?" Morgana was a bit astonished at the news.
"It's more like love, but I can't be with him. My father would never accept that and I need to provide a future king. I guess I wanted Mercia because she looked and acted like him, but it would be more accepted. Now you're telling me that Mercia is Merlin." Arthur looked depressed about the whole thing.
"Arthur, why don't you tell him how you feel?" Arthur looked alarmed at the suggestion.
"I don't want to place that kind of a burden on him. It could never be Morgana." It had been a long time since Morgana had seen Arthur cry. Before she could attempt to comfort him Merlin ran from behind the screen and wrapped his arms over his shoulders.
"Arthur I love you. I'll pretend to be a woman for the rest of my life if it means I can be with you!" Merlin blushed, but he really would do anything for Arthur.
"Could you really do that?" Merlin nodded his head as tears swelled in his eyes. Arthur pulled Merlin into his arms and kissed him passionately.
"Well that was easily solved." Morgana stated. "Now if you don't mind, leave." They both looked at her puzzled.
"Ok, well goodbye." Arthur said as he directed Merlin to his own chamber. She softly closed the door behind them and smiled. The dream had been perfectly executed; maybe those dreams weren't so bad if they brought happiness to the ones she cared for.

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