Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

It's been exactly four weeks since Natalie had that date with Zayn and since then they've been inseparable. I don't know why but I have this weird feeling about him, like he's going to do something to hurt her feelings.

You're just jealous.

Maybe I am just jealous but I can't help it, she's just so beautiful and she doesn't even know it.

From the moment I saw her I knew that she was the one, the girl for me and I had to make her mine. I was planning on telling her that maybe we should hang out more but I thought it would be weird since it's obvious that she's into Zayn and all. She told me about what happened to her father and I thought that maybe from there we could go closer but that isn't exactly happening.

I wrote my number on a piece of paper and told her that if she ever needed anything to just message or call me but she hasn't even done that. I don't even think she felt me slide that paper into the pocket of that jacket thing she was wearing.

Speaking of that jacket thing, I've noticed that she has started dressing way differently from that day I saw her.

That day.

She looked absolutely breathtaking; yeah she looks beautiful with just a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt but seeing her all dressed up and with her hair down was just wow. I always say that a natural look is the best look, that I don't like it when a girl wears make up but Natalie can sure pull it off.

I know it's wrong of me to say this, and maybe a bit selfish, but it should be me that gets to hang out with her not Zayn.

It may seem hard to believe but Zayn and I were best friends back in preschool. He shared his cookies with me and I let him have my turn with Tucker the Turtle. I loved our class pet but I love food way more.

He changed though, once we hit year five all the girls started liking him and thinking he was cute and he just forgot about me because he was too busy hanging out with them, it got to his head and he started becoming this whole new person. I was left out from everything, he even stopped playing football because he had so many girls liking him that he didn't have time to do other things.

It doesn't bother me now because I know that if he really wanted to stay friends with me then he wouldn't have changed into what he is today but it did hurt at times when I thought a girl was waving at me but instead they were waving to him.

Once we hit secondary school that's when we really stopped talking to each other. We would stop going to each other's houses and we just wouldn't hang out anymore. I didn't mind as much because now I have Louis and Harry but I hated it when a girl would pretend to like me just so they could learn stuff about Zayn; and now it sucks even more because the one girl I'm head over heels for is into him.

They have another date today and it makes my blood boil to know that he's the one taking her out all day and making her laugh without even saying anything that's close to funny.

Angie told me that he was only planning to take her to some lake that they went to the night of their first date.

Angie has a funny feeling about Zayn too because she said she saw Perrie and Zayn creeping around the corner of the gym and that the minute Zayn noticed her he left without a word.


I'm planning to go to the same park with my brother Greg to play some basketball since they have courts not to far from the lake; determined to make her mine.

Natalie's POV

I was suppose to go to the park with Zayn today but he texted me earlier saying that he couldn't make it because he had some family matters to attend to.

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