Toys (Tsukishima - Lemon)

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"Tsuki" (m/n) whined reaching toward his long time friend and roommate Tsukishima.

"What do you want now?" Tsukishima groaned, annoyed by the (h/c)ette who sat on their shared sofa while he cleaned the dishes from supper.

"A blowjob." Dropping the sponge into the sink then quickly picking it up again Tsukishima ignored the overly sexual male. "Come on it's not like you're a virgin and even if you were it's just a blowjob. We are friends, aren't we? So I don't know why you're acting like the dinosaurs just came back to life." The male continued when he didn't receive an answer.

"If dinosaurs came back to life I would be happy. Being sexually harassed in my home by my roommate isn't exactly my idea of a good thing." Shot down (m/n) got up and walked toward his blonde roommate. 

Leaning against the counter next to their sink (m/n) look up at the taller male. Tsukishima was about 2 inches taller than himself. "Why do you always shoot me down every time I try to make a move on you? I know I'm hot so that's not the issue. So then what is the issue?"

Tsukishima couldn't deny that (m/n) was attractive in fact he often caught himself thinking about the male at inappropriate times, in the shower, when the (m/n) was in the shower, and even in his dreams, the shorter male couldn't seem to leave him alone. But their compatibility wasn't the issue either the two got along great that's what had prompted them to move in together in the first place. It was that (m/n) was too attractive and too charismatic that made Tsukishima shy away from his desires to let the male do whatever he had pleased to him. The blonde wasn't a fool he knew that (m/n) was the same to everyone no matter who it was and most of them had fallen into their desire and let (m/n) do whatever he wanted to them. Tsukishima knew that all too well with all of the strangers, male and female, who had crossed the threshold of their house and the threshold of (m/n)'s bedroom. On nights that the "companions" had joined the (h/c)ette in his room, Tsukishima could hear the moans, the panting, the squelching, all coming from the room next to his and his heart would break little by little listening to his partner of the night shout his name over and over like a mantra. 

Refusing to answer the male to his right Tsukishima washed the last plate and then left the kitchen all together walking past the sofa that the male had once resided on. The (h/c)ette pouted and couldn't help but stare at the blonde's ass as he walked away wondering how it would feel against him, or better phrased, around him. Biting his lip (m/n) bit back a moan as he pushed his palm against his growing hard on.

Tsukishima heard the front door open, close and lock. It was safe to assume that because he was turned down once again by the blonde (m/n) had left the house for a more willing partner. Now that it was safe Tsukishima reached for the bottom drawer of his dresser reached behind the underwear haphazardly shoved into it and felt around for the object he kept hidden wrapped in cloth. Upon finding it Tsukishima pulled it out of the drawer the long package it was firm to grasp. Sighing at what he was planning on doing the blonde pressed a palm to his already hardening cock that was straining against the confines of his pants before placing the object on his bed and sliding this cool fingers into the waistband of his pants and boxers and pulling them down slowly imagining he was doing it for (m/n) before blushing harder than he would ever admit he shook his head and pulled his pants off mentally cursing himself for thinking about something so intimate. Once his cock was free Tsukishima felt like he could breath normally again not having the pressure against himself anymore and he quickly pulled off his top as well thinking it would be weird to keep his torso covered in this situation. 

Climbing onto his bed the blonde grabbed his package that had laid there all but forgotten unwrapping his Tsukishima pulled out the dildo (m/n) had bought for him as a gag gift their first Christmas living together. The dildo was made specifically for anal, about 8 inches long and 4 inches of girth at its largest point being dual sided, one side was slimmer and beaded while the other was a slightly larger, curvy bulbous shape. The most that could be inserted from either end was about 4 inches. The dildo was pink and made of a material that could only be described as firm jelly it was flexible and curved to his body well.

Rummaging through his bedside drawer Tsukishima grabbed hold of the black bottle that read in bold silver letters "Wet's Uranus water-based lube", the second part of (m/n)'s gag gift, no doubt the male only bought it because it said "Uranus", that seemed like something the shorter male would do.

Squirting a small amount of lube into his left hand Tsuki grabbed the dildo with his right and began lubing up the thicker half, having used it enough times he knew he wouldn't need to use the smaller side to prepare himself. Reaching forward Tsukishima grabbed a pillow from the head of his bed and placed it under his hips before leaning forward, spreading his legs and pushing his ass into the air. Sending his left hand back first the blonde pulled his left ass cheek to the side and used the small slick rounded head of the dildo to push against the ring of muscles that didn't put up a fight to the familiar feeling.

Gripping the beaded end Tsukishima pushed more of the dildo into his ass that welcomed the foreign object so fast it was like it had belonged there. His left arm fell from his ass cheek down to the bed sheets under him and up to the sheets closer toward his head. His hand gripped the sheets while Tsukishima moaned loudly not seeing the need to hide them since his "always horny" roommate was out. Thrusting the dildo into and out of his ass made squelching noises from the lube. The noises although embarrassing seemed to go straight to Tsukishima's dick making it twitch in anticipation.

Tsukishima's glasses had become askew now resting on the bridge of his nose with one of the arms no longer secured behind his ear. It didn't matter though since his eyes were closed in pleasure and his mouth hung open panting and moaning. "(M/n)-" he began but was cut off by a loud moan when he brushed against his own prostate "mmmn, harder, aah a-and deeper please." Screaming out (m/n)'s name again Tsukishima could feel he was getting close to his release without even touching his dick.

"Tsuki?! Are you okay?" Tsukishima heard the concerned voice of his roommate followed by pounding footsteps that were getting louder with every stride. Being so close to his release Tsuki couldn't bother to stop and hide what he was doing.

(M/n) heard his roommate scream out his name he wasn't sure if it was in fear or pain. If it had been anyone else (m/n) might have thought that it was in pleasure but not quiet, cockblock, friend, roommate Tsukishima. His legs racing almost as fast as his heart (m/n) slid to a stop in front of the blonde's bedroom and flung the door open. 

The (h/c)ette almost wanted to laugh, but words wouldn't come to him. Jaw dropped in awe at the sight in front of him. Tsukishima, who was always calm and collected no matter how many times (m/n) tried to make him flustered, was on his knees ass raised in the air bright pink silicone dildo that he had bought for the male and was positive had been thrown out by now was in the tight ring of muscle between firm ass cheeks held in place by the blondes hand.

Even with the door open and Tsukishima knowing he was on display for his crush something urged him to keep going to make it worth the other man's time. Wiggling his hips slightly he repositioned himself so that (m/n) had a better view of what he was doing to himself.

(M/n) couldn't help but step closer and reached out to touch the hand that held the dildo but a loud moan of his own name stopped him watching Tsukishima's body shiver, still and his hand fell to his side leaving the dildo sticking out of his still pulsing ass. (M/n) took another step forward a smirk playing in his lips as he took hold of the dildo and pulled it out and dropped it on the bed while his fingers went back to Tsukishima's stretched hole and danced around the entrance and brushing against the inside. "You had all that pent up inside you?" Not waiting for a response the (h/c)ette male  shoved his fingers farther inside and brushed the blondes prostate.

"(M/n)" Tsukishima whined out feeling his cock start to stiffen again.

"You already came once but I couldn't even get a blow job?" (M/n) pouted pulling his fingers out of the blonde.

With a whimper Tsukishima sat back on his heels his growing erection against the cum covered pillow. "This didn't happen" was the first word that came out of the blondes mouth.

"So you want me to pretend that my sexy roommate was masturbating with a dildo I got him as a gag gift years ago while moaning my name not ever 30 minutes after I asked him to suck my dick, got shut down and I didn't walk in on it?"

"Yeah pretty much. Now get out of my room. " The blonde pushed the shorter male out of his room and began to clean up.

"You better know that I plan on proving to you that I'm better than anything you can buy" Tsukishima could hear the voice and foot steps drifting into the room next door and he let out a sigh almost but not quite regretting what just happened. Not that he would ever admit it Tsukishima was looking forward to what (m/n) had in store for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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