Welcome to Storybrooke

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Here's the first chapter! Please comment what you think about it! It would be really helpful! I hope you like it! 😊💙

Emma's POV

"We're here!" My mother, Mary Margaret yelled from the front seat.

Eager to see how my new home in Storybrooke looked, I crashed out of the car, scraping my elbows on the sides of the car door.

I guess it looked okay. A little better than my previous house, but not too fancy. Though, I thought it would look better, since my mother desperately wanted to move here.

What sucked the most about this town is that apparently, it's illegal to be homeschooled here. I've been homeschooled all my life, and when I finally enter my last year of school, I have to go to a public school. Couldn't my mother just wait another year? I argued with her for days, begging her to stay in Boston just for one more year, but she wouldn't budge.

As soon as I entered the house, I rushed to the bathroom to wash my face. It was all sweaty from the long car ride from Boston. The trip had taken four hours and I had slept through the final two. I had forgotten to pack half of my belongings the night before and stayed up all night trying to do so.

I went up the stairs and found my room. It was the smallest room in the house. Being the lazy person I am, I fell into a deep sleep, instead of unpacking my bags.


"Emma! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" I heard Mary Margaret shout from down the stairs.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 7:38 a.m. Crap, school starts at 7:50. I'm gonna be late for my first day of school. Way to make a good first impression, Emma, I thought to myself.

"Emma! Are you awake?" She shouted, once again.

"Yeah, mom. I'll be down there in a second," I yelled back.

I quickly put together an outfit, which consisted of a crop top, cardigan, and shorts. I then styled my hair, brushed my teeth, and rushed into my yellow Volkswagen Beetle. I didn't even have time to grab a small snack for breakfast.

I drove at the speed limit, hoping that there would be a chance for me to arrive on time. But deep down inside me, I knew I had no hope.

I arrived at the school at 7:45. And by the time I got to the main office, it was already 7:47.

Looking around the office, I spotted a woman sitting at a desk. "Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Gold," I said to her.

"Mr. Gold is busy at the moment, but I can help you." She smiled. "How may I assist you?"

"Uh, I'm new here, so I need my schedule. Do you have that or do I have to ask my homeroom teacher for it?" I replied, a bit confused as to what I should say.

"I'll give it to you. What's your name?" She asked.

"Swan, Emma Swan."

"Emma, what a lovely name," a man said as he walked through the door.

"Thanks," I replied.

"I'm Mr. Gold, the principal. I can take it from here, Mrs. Lucas." I watched as the woman left and he took her place. "Here's your schedule. Welcome to Storybrooke, Emma."

I speed-walked to the classroom. I checked my watch and saw that it was already 7:49. Hopefully, I can get to the classroom before 7:50. But considering that the twelfth grade classrooms are all the way on the fourth floor, and I was only on the first, it didn't seem like that was gonna happen.

When the bell rang at 7:50, I was only halfway through the staircase leading to the third floor. I breathed heavily as I reached the final staircase.

I awkwardly entered the classroom at 7:52 and all eyes were on me. I wasn't prepared for what would happen at a public school. And I knew I was going to get embarrassed right from the start.

I stared down at the floor, not knowing what to do, and trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my class?" Someone with a manly voice asked, who I assumed was the teacher.

"I'm Emma Swan. I'm new here," I said, still looking down at the floor.

"Why are you here so late? If you've ever been to a school, you should know that you should be seated before the bell rings. I'll let it slide this time, but if you do it again, you'll be punished with detention. Take a seat in the empty chair," he yelled in an angry tone.

Well that's cause I've never been to a school, I thought to myself.

"And next time, please wear appropriate school attire," he yelled. Since he had a very loud voice and I had assumed that he was done shouting at me, this startled me.

Everyone stared down at my clothes as I took a seat. I could feel my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment.

My homeroom teacher, Mr. French wanted me to get familiar with the students in my homeroom, so he made everyone say their name. I forgot most of them within minutes. The only people I could remember were the people around me. To name a few, a girl named Regina sat next to me on the left. Belle, Mr. French's daughter, sat in front of me. A girl named Ruby sat behind me. And a guy named Killian sat next to me on the right.

When the bell rang, Mr. French gave me my locker number and combination. I searched through the lockers for mine and tried to enter the combination. Dang it, it didn't work. I asked Killian, whose locker was next to mine, how to work the damn thing. He opened it in a flash. The action occurred so quickly that I didn't even get to see how he did it.

I didn't want to annoy him, so I just shoved my things into my locker and got what I needed for my next class, which was ELA with Ms. Boyd.

After several more classes, it was finally time for lunch. I sat with my new friend, Regina, her friends, Belle and Ruby, and of course, her boyfriend, Robin. It was surprising that I've already made four friends on my first day,  especially with my cluelessness about literally everything.

The rest of the day went by very slowly. I wasn't used to going to school for seven hours. I only had to do work for two to four hours when I was homeschooled, and I was allowed to take breaks whenever I wanted, since I did it on the computer.

When I got home, I stared out the window, thinking about how badly I messed up today, and that was when I saw Killian staring back at me from the window of the house across the street.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter! I just wanted to let you know that this chapter wasn't very Captain Swan based. This was just kind of an introduction to how Emma is struggling but I promise the next chapter will be more about Killian and Emma. Anyway, please comment what you thought about this chapter! I'll update as soon as I can! 😊💜

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