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Hi guys it's me DarkWolf283 and I'm back in hopes of capturing your attention once more so please please please tell me if it's working because all the support is very needed and let's get into this.

Where am I? I though I was in bed. This isn't my bed it's all cold and dark and... Evil. I look around in hopes of finding anything that might signal my brain to identify where I am and where my house is from here.

I spin in circles but see nothing other than the cold trees that look like they're staring at me. It's creepy in a way I can't comprehend. They almost look like they know something I don't... Just then a branch snaps behind me and a wolf the size of a mountain leaps at me.

"Elizabeth! Wake up NOW!" My sister Amy yells. Why can't she ever just come into my room and tell me to get up. I mean that would be a lot easier than trying to wake me up by yelling a whole lot. Waking up from that dream I nearly far out of bed. Instead though I just sit up hastily with my arms raised defensively until I realize it was a dream and struggle to get out of bed.

The second I stand up I fall back down, my feet getting caught in my blankets. I trip over, landing straight on my face and look up to see my sister laughing hysterically. She wasn't the nicest sister a 12 year old could ask for but at least she's not an annoying 4 year old following me around EVERYWHERE. She of course is 15 so she's not annoying in that sense but she can still get on my nerves quite often.

I remember what day it is and realize she tricked me into getting up of a weekend EARLY. How dare her. I NEED my sleep. I mean with school and all I hardly get any. I think about going back to bed but it's to late. I'm already awake and it's no use trying to go back to bed.

I stand up ignoring my sister completely and slam the door in her face before pulling on my clothes for the day and going downstairs to see that my moms not up and neither is our brother Josh. Josh is like that annoying 4 year old except he's 9 and he's not quite as annoying.

I look around for my sister and realized she had already went out with her friends or something. I walk into the kitchen and grab the cereal from the cabinet. The second I reach for the refrigerator door my sister jumps out on a course heading straight towards me but at the last second I move aside and she flies into the floor.

Now it's my turn to hysterically laugh while she's on the floor. She may be annoying at times but at least she won't try to actually hurt me. She can deal with pain pretty well herself judging by the fact that when she was 10 she was mugged and ended up getting stabbed. I mean she was only 10! Who mugs a 10 year old.

I myself have only had 1 event that was traumatizing and that was when I saw a wolf get hit by a car. You see it's not like some dumb deer getting hit by a car in a movie. It's scary. I mean no one would understand me when I told them because no one gets that wolves aren't just some dumb animals.

I know most of you are just going to say something like that's just because your favorite animal is a wolf. Nobody cares about your stupid wolves. Well guess what. Wolves aren't just my favorite animal. A wolf is my spirit animal, my favorite animal, and my last name.

Nearly everything about me implies I love wolves. I mean if I'm drawing anything it involves a wolf. If I'm writing anything like for English, it involves a wolf. I mean heck, some 7 year old asked me if I was a werewolf. I guess someone's been reading a little to much twilight.

I guess I can't really say anything else about myself other than I guess, I mean I don't like to say this because I feel like I'm bragging or something but I guess you could say I'm brave. Although I'm not so sure that's really true because I can't even get near a spider without freaking out.

Crash! I turn my head to the noise, thinking it's probably my sister bumping a dish of the table or something but what I see scares me beyond imagination.

Hello guys it's me DarkWolf283 and I'm finally glad to be uploading this lol. So I hope you enjoyed the first part of the book and if you could leave a vote that would be nice so thank you for finishing this and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

Wolf Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें