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I squinted my eyes as the bright sunlight seeped in through the now open curtains. I sat up from the bed and recalled the events of last night. Oh crap, Jake saw me like that. Shoot!

My mom's bedroom door was open, meaning she already left and she was in a hurry. I closed the door and walked downstairs.

I found Jake in the kitchen. He seemed to be making pancakes. I approached him quietly. I got two pans that were laying on the table and banged them against eachother.

"Shit!" he jumped from the stove area and turned around to look at me with wide eyes.
"What the heck, Callie?!"

I laughed loudly, clutching my stomach and wiping my tears of joy.
"Your...face...was priceless," I said between laughs.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." He cracked a small smile,"Guess that means you don't get any pancakes."
"Wait wait! I'm sorry, can I please get some pancakes?" I literally pleaded. You can't blame me, they smelt so damn good.

He chuckled as he placed the pancakes on two plates.
"Don't you just love food. You literally eat so much but stay so tiny."
It's true I love food more than I love most people but my body I still so petite. I'm a little bit curvy but still short.

The pancakes were so good almost as good as my mom's but not quite there. He watched me with an amused smile on his face as I ate most of the pancakes.
We finished eating and decided to do the dishes together, that way it would be fair on both our parts.

I looked at him when he wasn't looking and decided to get some of the cold foamy water from the sink and spill it in his hair.
He gasped loudly as the cold water trailed down to his back. When he turned to me his eyes were furious, oh shoot.

I ran around the island and tried to find an escape route but he stood right next to door.
"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry, it was an accident!"
"Oh no, you're not getting away with this one. You're gonna pay the price," he moved closer to me.
I tried to run around him but he literally just grabbed me and put me on his shoulder like I weighed absolutely nothing.
"Please. Oh my gosh, I'm about to die!" I yelled, cackling, as he placed me on the sofa and started tickling me.
It might not seem so much as a punishment but I'm insanely ticklish, like next level kind of ticklish.

"Umm...guys" a voice trailed off from behind Jake.
Our heads popped up, only to find Jay. My eyes bulged out as his narrowed at Jake and I that lay frozen on the sofa.
"What the heck are you two doing?" he asked in a solemn tone.
"We're...Umm...we're...I don't know?" I tried to explain.
"Dude, get your hands off my sister this minute," he said slowly like he was speaking to a third grader or something.
"It's really not what it seems like, I swear," Jake said as his hands dropped to his sides.
"Listen, Jake, yes I know who you are we go to the same school, whatever you're doing with my sister ends right now. She's not interested."
I gasped,"Jay don't be mean!"
"Okay fine but no shenanigans, you got it?"
We nodded and waited for him to leave the room before we burst out into loud uncontrollable laughter.


After we each had a shower we just hanged out in the living room for a few minutes before Jay had to leave.
We said our goodbyes and then I want back inside the house. My brother stood there with a huge smile on his face and said, "I haven't seen that gorgeous smile in a long time."
"Yeah I guess. It's nothing so whatever," I said with bright red cheeks.
He just chuckled and went back up to his room.


So this chapter is so short because it's more of a filler.
The next one is going to be longer for sure.
What do you guys think about Callie and Jake's relationship/friendship so far.

Thanks for the support so far with this book. I might finish this book because everything is just suddenly coming to me :)

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