1; murdered

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Bang the gun sounds, mum screaming for me to run i can't move paralyzed with fear. BANG! The shot came from the other side of my door.

She wakes screaming frantically looking around the world is silent. "It was just a dream" she says unknowing that this was far from a dream.

Mum runs in powering through the door and she asks me if im ok. All im thinking about is the fear i see in her eyes, there is a loud knock at the door she tells me to stay put, before she can get to the end of the hall the gun fires. Bang!. She screams for me to run i crawl under my bed just in time, BANG!.  The sound screaming through the hall. I see my mum through the gap in the door shes lying face down on the ground. I see someone with leather boots standing over her. BANG!. i see blood spatter against the wall next to her i scream the boots start heading for my door. I close my eyes and hope that he leaves. The cold chill of winter tingling down my spine.
I whisper to myself "goodbye"

"Cmon lets go before the cops come henry" the footsteps dissappear i am frozen in fear. The possibilitie that they might  still be here creeps slowly into my mind i lay still soundless aside for the rapid beat of my heart, it's pounding so hard against the rustic wooden floor boards giving away my location echoing through the house.

It has been 4 hours i slide quitly out from under the bed and tip-toe out to the hall and see my mothers body is gone leaving behind a huge bloody puddle on the ground, im crying trembling as i finally realize that there is no way she is alive.

there watchingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang