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- Bailey POV -

Nervously, I walk into the school building making my way to the hallway. People are standing in little crowds in the corners, laughing, talking or even fighting over stupid little things. I try to find the secretariat where I would hopefully get my schedule but other than expected this school is quiet big, bigger than my old one.

I guess it is always the same with first days at a new school. As the new kid you feel totally lost and isolated from all the other students - atleast that is how I feel right now. Hundreds of different voices and sounds fullfill my ears and people are rushing by, bumping against my shoulder without apologizing because they are probably late for class or still have to copy some kind of homework to not fail in class.

While being lost in my thoughts again a girl comes up to me telling me to stop barring the way. I nod my head quickly, not knowing what to say or how to defend myself because she was simply right. I make my way to a corner next to the lockers where students are frantically trying to get their books in or out of their lockers. While observing them a girl on the other side of the hallway caughts my eye.

Her dark hair reaches down to her chest and is braided into a french plait. Her hair is really shiny and looks healthy. Stop it Bailey Sok, you are creepy. While talking to myself in my thoughts I must've shook my head pretty noticeable because the girl I was looking at was now looking at me as well. Her eyes were big and had a dark brown colour. I force out a awkward smile which she surprisingly returns. Next thing I know is she, standing in front of me reaching out her hand and saying 'Hi my name is Tati, I'd thought I come over since you've been staring at me.'

I can feel my face heat up and my cheeks turn into a light pink colour. 'I..I am sorry I didn't mean to stare at you or to make you feel uncomfortable' I stutter. Tati chuckles and responds 'Don't worry you did not make me feel uncomfortable, what is your name?'. 'Bailey, Bailey Sok. It's my first day. I moved here.' are the only words coming out of my mouth. 'Okay Bailey, Bailey Sok why don't you tell me what you were looking for and maybe I can help you?! Tati kindly asks. 'I am looking for the secretariat to pick up my schedule' I reply a little bit more eloquently than before. 'Well let's go then, before the classes are going to start' Tati says quickly while starting to walk away. I am quickly following her to not get lost in the contorted hallways.

While trying to keep track with her, because she is literally running through the hallways, Tati is trying to explain the different areas and rooms to me which we are passing on our way to the secretariat - not that I would remember any of them because I am just too busy running after her. After half an enternity we're finally standing in front of the secretariat. I make my way into the room while Tati offers to wait outside.

An old lady with grey short hair and glasses sits behind the desk and is barely tall enough to look over it. 'Good Morning. My name is Bailey Sok I am here to pick up my schedule.' I say trying to be as polite as possible. Without saying a word she stands up and walks to the filing cabinet behind her. After mumbling a few words which I wasn't able to understand she comes back and holds out a piece of paper in front of me. 'Here you go young lady' she says. 'Thank you and have great day' I say as I grab the paper leaving the secretariat afterwards.

Tati who is still waiting in front of the secretariat turns around when she hears the door opening and looks firstly at me then at the piece of paper in my hand. 'Let me see if we have some classes together.' she says before snatching my schedule out of my hands and studying it intensely. 'Perfect we have 5 out 6 courses together. Let's go now, we have Maths in first period which you definitely don't want to miss.' Tati says quiet excited. And again I am struggling to keep track with that girls pace but in the end we make it just in time to our first period on this monday morning.

The classroom is already packed with students who are loudly talking to each other. When Tati and I enter the room I feel stares burning little holes into my body. If there is one thing I am not able to handle well, it is calling attention to myself. 'Bailey..BAILEY' a high voice interupts my thoughts. It is Tati trying to get my attention. I slowly turn my face towards her. 'I am going to take the seat next to my friend in the penultimate row on the left. Just take the seat in the row behind us it's the last one that is not taken yet.' she says while smiling at me. I nod my head and take the seat Tati suggested to me, also because it is indeed the last one that is free.

The teacher enters the room and almost yells 'Good morning class please open up your books at page 13.' a quiet murmuring fills the room before everyone is quiet again. I hate Maths I just never been good at it and probably I never will be, and that's ok. But because I hate it so much the lesson seems to last an enternity. When the school bell finally rings I let out a relieved sigh. Tati immediately turns her head around to face me. 'C'mon I wanna show you something before our next class starts' she says giving me a sweet smile. I pack my backpack and follow her out of the classroom. We quickly place our math books in our lockers and take out the ones for the next period before heading to the secret place, that Tati wants to show me so desperately.

We walk upstairs and stop in front of the last door of the hallway, which is kind of hidden. The door is different than all the others in the school, it is secured with a safety lock that requires a code to unlock it. 'Tati the door is locked, we are not going to get in there.' I say with a little bit of annoyance in my voice which I regret immediately. 'Don't be so impatient, Bailey' Tati answers quiet amused. She takes a step forward to the keypad and quickly types in 8 numbers. The red light switches on the keypad to green and the door unlocks. I look at Tati with a suprised look which she replys with a slight chuckle. '12345678, not really clever if you ask me. C'mon, in there is something I want to show you'. she says while waving her hand to signal me to follow her.

The room is very small and empty, it looks like it could have been an old storage room. I still have no clue why Tati brought me here and why she is so excited about this empty room. Instead of turning on the lights Tati keeps the room dark and walks towards one of the corners of the room right away. 'Please shut the door behind you, Bailey.' she says a little bit louder so I was able to understand her. Okay this is creepy, what the hell is this girl up to. Despite my doubts I shut the door behind me leaving us in complete darkness.

Suddenly the rooms lightens up. Little lights that constitute stars are projected on the ceiling and the walls around me. Overwhelmed by the beauty of the lights I didn't notice that Tati came to stand next to me. 'This is my little secret escape, I come here every now and then when I feel overwhelmed by school or when I have to face any other issues. I know how hard and complicated it can be moving to another city and attending a new school. This place always helped me to find the answers I might have been looking for. In case you are looking for some answers as well or maybe if you just want to escape the school life, feel free to come here anytime, Bailey.' Tati says with a soft voice which reminds me of my mothers anytime she tries to encourage me. 'Thank you, Tati - that is really nice of you, I don't know what to say to be honest.' I say thankfully. 'That's okay.' Tati replies happily.


- End of school -

The bell rings for the last time today. All the students are jumping up from their seats hectically packing up their school books and notebooks before leaving the classroom and the school building for today. As I pack up my pencils Tati who sat next to me already says her goodbye as she has another appointment after school. 'Bye Bailey! Have a nice afternoon and don't forget to bring the highlighters for our project tomorrow. See you! she says quickly. I simply nod my head while smiling at her rushing out of the door.

Tati is such a great girl. She is really nice and feel comfortable being around her. I really appreciate how much she cared for me today and that she shared her secret little escape with me, it makes me feel special. I think the two of us can really become close friends.

After finally packing my stuff up I leave the room and the school building. I walk up to a black Range Rover in which my mom is already waiting for me. 'How was your first day, sweetie?' my mom asks while I get into the car. 'To be honest... it was good.'


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