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- Bailey POV -

My sisters literally had to drag me out of my bed this morning. I wasn't feeling school today at all. But here I am walking down the hallway with Tati by my side, which makes things a thousand times more bearable.

It's lunch time and Tati and I are making our way into the cafeteria to grab something to eat. 'Go look for a free table while I am grabbing some snacks for us.' Tati says and walks off without waiting for any response from me. Typical.

Now I am standing here, all by myself. It's this awkward moment where you are standing in the middle of the cafeteria, all eyes on you, desperately trying to figure out which next step is the right one to move on from this situation. The cafeteria is hella crowded and none of the tables is fully empty.

I spy a table in the right corner which is occupied by only one person. It only takes a second look to recognize that it's no one other than Sean. For a second I think of looking for another table just to avoid explaining myself to him. But not only is this my chance to apologize for my weird behaviour yesterday, but it's also the most convenient way to find a space for Tati and I to eat our food.


- Sean POV -

I am staring at my phone checking my social media accounts when I feel someone taking a seat next to me. When I bring my gaze up, my eyes meet some innocent brown eyes that I am already familiar with.

'Hi Sean.' Bailey greets me. I am a little bit confused why she choose to come up to me when not even twenty-four hours ago she wasn't even able to form a fluent sentence in my presence. 'H-Hi Bailey.' I reply clearly confused. 'Look, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. It was very nice of you, bringing me my necklace back and I was acting like a complete weirdo. I mean who am I kidding, I am a complete weirdo, but normally I am just better in hiding it.' she explains herself while chuckling at the last part.

The small smile on her lips is infectious and I instantly feel a warmth spreading through my body starting from my head downwards. 'It's okay, I know a lot of girls who have a problem to articulate themselves around me.' I reply with a wink. Bailey just shakes her head at my self-confident appearance while a bigger smile forms on her lips.

Before I can say another word, I hear two boys bawling my name. 'Seanny Boy, what's up!' Kenneth shouts across the cafeteria drawing everyones attention towards him. 'Shut it down, Ken.' I say a little bit annoyed. Don't get my wrong I love this kid, he's my best friend since forever, but sometimes he is just a little bit over the top.

'Ohh someone's in bad mood.' Gabe, who is walking next to Kenneth, says. 'Well, I've actually been in a really good mood until you two jerks showed up.' I say with a sarcastic smile on my face. 'We love you too, Seanny Boy.' Kenneth replies while pinching my cheek and taking a seat on the table.

'I think I am gonna go look for Tati.' a much smoother voice chimes. It's Bailey, who I for a minute totally forgot about. 'You don't have to go, Bails.' Kenneth states. Bails? Wait! When did that happen? 'And regarding Tati, she'll probably be here in a second.' Gabe continues.

The four of us are having an easy conversation about one of our teachers, when I suddenly feel a pair of arms drape themselves over my shoulders and a pair of lips kissing down my neck. I turn my head towards the girl and she looks at me with big brown eyes and long blonde hair. It's Lexee, from friday night.

'Hey there, Sean. I had a lot of fun friday night.' she whisper near my ear, but still loud enough for the rest of the table to hear. 'How about a repeat performance?' I open my mouth to reply, but she covers it with her own mouth and kisses me. She pulls away her teeth dragging on my bottom lip and she smiles. 'Call me.' she says and I watch her walk away right after.

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